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- In the 2018/19 academic year, the project team carried out the Read to Write QEF project, in which 26 local primary schools participated. In the following school year, another QEF project, one that focused on enhancing secondary students’ English writing, was implemented in 40 local secondary schools. After that, the project team collaborated with 39 local primary schools in the QEF 2020/21 project: Using e-Learning to develop primary school students’ 21st century skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and self-regulation) in English language learning and teachers’ assessment literacy. Last year, the project team provided professional support to 19 local primary schools in the QEF project: Promoting primary school English teacher’s assessment literacy: developing primary students’ ability to assess and improve their learning of English and 21st century skills supported with e-learning tools.
- In the current academic year, the project team is collaborating with 30 local primary schools in the QEF project: Integrating social and emotional learning into the English Language curriculum: Fostering positive values, attitudes and motivations in English learning in primary schools.
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