Integrating social and emotional learning into the English Language Curriculum:
Fostering positive values, attitudes and motivations in English learning in primary schools
(QEF No.: 2021/1026)
Training English teachers to develop literacy in social and emotional learning
Equipping English teachers with skills and strategies to promote social and emotional learning in the English Language curriculum
Integrating different aspects of social and emotional learning into regular English lessons and enhancing students' learning of both English and life skills
Equipping English teachers with drama conventions to facilitate their students' development in social and emotional learning
Helping teachers to identify their students' social and emotional issues with regard to both their school life and English learning
Helping teachers develop grade-appropriate (i.e. primary 4 - 6) teaching and learning activities and materials
Differentiating instructions and materials to better suit more able and less able students in each grade of KS2
Sharing of best teaching practices and materials
Facilitating students' English learning and school life with social and emotional skills
Building up reciprocal coaching circles (RCCs) and community of practice (CoP) through teachers' PD, collaboration and sharing among teachers in the same schools and those in other schools, facilitated by university-based teacher educators
Educating parents on the importance of social and emotional learning in both school life and English learning
Helping parents understand and help their children apply relevant social and emotional skills to facilitate their school life and English learning