Assessment - Is good sleep a blessing for ageing? (Professional)
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1. While you were conducting an education talk on “Sleep in Later Life”at a Day Center for the Elderly, majority of the seniors express the following sleep changes as they aged. Which statement would you reflect to them it is a myth regarding sleep in older people even in the absence of a health problem? *
5 points
2. Which of the following statement is not considered sleep disturbances in older people? *
5 points
3. You are the nurse in-charge of a residential home. One day, a healthcare worker reported to you that some residents do not sleep at night. She asked whether there are ways to help improve the sleep of the residents as she heard that poor sleep is detrimental to health.  Which of the following(s) is/are the impacts of poor sleep that deserve our attention? *
5 points
4. Which is not a physical health problem that affects sleep? *
5 points
5. Sleep disturbances could be salient issues among older adults. Your father, age 63, has retired from his 40 years work life since last year. You often noticed your father dozing off during the day despite he appeared to have slept through all night without waking up during the night. Your mother complained also of his loud snoring during asleep. You suspect your father has sleep problem and persuading your father to seek medical consultation.  Which of the following(s) may have contributed to the sleep problem of this old gentleman? *
5 points
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