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Leadership Training and Research aims to train new leaders in gerontology and support pilot projects with NGOs. A total of 30 CADENZA Fellows from different disciplines (such as social work, nursing, allied health, rehabilitation engineering, psychology, optometry and medicine) have been trained, and 18 projects on new service models and new practice, such as pain management, insomnia treatment, bereavement care, art therapy and continence management, have been launched.
• To encourage gerontological research
• To nurture academic leadership in social gerontology and to bolster collaboration across disciplines

* Information of the fellows were current at the time of fellowship.

Workshop 1 (Retirement Adjustment) - 27 Mar 2013
Strategic approach for promoting retirement preparation - Innovative use of active interest development, senior mentorship and traditional Chinese health concepts
Dr. NG Siu man 吳兆文博士
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Retirement is a major life transition which is associated with mental health hazards, especially depression and anxiety. Active preparation before retirement is extremely preferable because of its strong protective value. The workshop introduces the use of active interest development, senior mentorship and traditional Chinese health concepts such as stagnation syndrome (鬱證) in promoting active retirement preparation. Related gender and cultural issues will also be critically deliberated.
Workshop 2 (Pain Management) - 17 Apr 2013
System approach: Pain management for older persons living in nursing homes
Dr Mimi TSE 謝敏儀博士
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
This workshop aims at providing health care professionals with an understanding of pain situations, effects of pain among older persons and ways to manage pain problems as routine client care. Participants will understand the prevalence of pain and pain-related problems among older persons living in nursing homes; knowing pain assessment and pain management strategies; and illustrating physical exercises, multisensory stimulation, and art therapy as non-pharmacological strategies in pain management.
Workshop 3 (Psychosocial Therapy for Stroke Survivors) - 22 May 2013
Narrative therapy: Reconstructing stroke survivors and caregivers' meaning of and purpose in life
Dr Esther CHOW 周愛華博士
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Studies
City University of Hong Kong
Cerebrovascular disease, as the most significant cause of disability in adults, brings dramatic psychosocial impact to both the survivors and the family members. Narrative therapy(NT) is applied to externalize the dominant problem-saturated experiences, open diverse possibilities for reconstruction of identity, and re-authorize alternative storylines to address the problems in ways that are powerfully connected with their meaning of and purpose in life. Sharing from community collaborators, practical skills applications, and findings of a randomized controlled trial on treatment effects will also be discussed in relation to the impact of NT on stroke survivors and caregivers.
Workshop 4 (Elderly Depression Treatment) - 17 June 2013
Instrumental Reminiscence Intervention (IRI) for alleviating depressive symptoms among Chinese or older adults
Dr Vivian LOU 樓瑋群博士
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
The University of Hong Kong
Instrumental Reminiscence Intervention(IRI) is a group therapy aiming to enhance the clients' depressive symptoms by recalling effective coping strategies from the past and strengthening them in their present life. This course covers:
The background of IRI and the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness; concepts and mechanism involved in IRI for reducing depressive symptoms; Illustration on the intervention, such as its session plans and homework assignment; practice wisdom and experience sharing by social workers in the planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of IRI.
Workshop 5 (Continence Management) - 17 July 2013
Sustaining the effect of "Prompted Voiding" programs to manage urinary incontinence in nursing home residents: A Workshop for Managers
Dr Claudia LAI 賴錦玉博士
Professor, School of Nursing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prompted voiding(PV) will be taught to initiate the elderly on toileting through positive reinforcement from caregivers. Principles and techniques necessary to sustain prompted voiding from a management perspective will be shared. Interactive learning approach in the form of demonstration and case discussions will be used. Superintendent(s) of old age home(s) with successful experience in implementing this program will be invited to share their practice wisdom.
- Powerpoint Not available
Workshop 6 (E-Information for Hospitalized Elderly for Discharge Planning) - 22 Aug 2013
Digitalize pre-discharge planning for older patients and their family members using an e-Learning Information Package (eLIP)
Dr Lisa LOW 羅佩麗博士
Professional Consultant, Nethersole School of Nursing
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
This course will take participants along a journey of how the interactive eLIP was conceived, developed and trialed. The development of a comprehensive, accurate and updated eLIP website and booklet, the challenges encountered and overcoming strategies will be discussed. The experience of trialing the eLIP intervention in the study in hospital sites will be shared. Demonstration of the eLIP website and the content of the booklet will be made; Participants can navigate the user-centred website and provide feedback for improvement.
Workshop 7 (Insomnia Treatment) - 27 Sep 2013
Relieving insomnia among older people: the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy
Dr Doris YU 余秀鳳博士
Associate Professor, Nethersole School of Nursing
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prevalence rate of insomnia affecting older people is about 38.2% in Hong Kong. Evidence has indicated the strong association between later-life insomnia and impaired cognitive, physical and psychosocial functions and poor quality of life. Randomized controlled trial is used to investigate the effects of a multi-modal cognitive-behavioral therapy on sleep quality, sleep pattern and daytime impairment among community-dwelling elderly. This workshop will provide training to health and social care professionals on its application in community elderly centers, the multi-modal cognitive-behavioral therapy will be introduced to improve insomnia of older people and to discuss its implementation.
- Powerpoint Not available
Workshop 8 (Stroke Rehabilitation Exercise) - 1 Nov 2013
Electrical stimulation and rehabilitation following stroke
Dr Shamay NG 伍尚美博士
Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
A major challenge in stroke management is to identify effective rehabilitation strategies to optimize the motor functions in patients with stroke. The content of the workshop includes interventions in improving motor functions and outcome measures in evaluating its effectiveness. The learning objectives are:
- 1. The evidence of task-related training in improving motor functions in patients with stroke;
- 2. The application of electrical stimulation and task-related training on clinical practice; and
- 3. The evaluation of current outcome measures used in stroke rehabilitation.
- Powerpoint Not available