Demand on your CARE: Nutrition for Seniors, Eat Smart, Live Smart
Healthy eating can be a challenge with ageing. For an older adult with a long-term illness, good nutrition becomes more important. We will walk through eating problems that may be encountered as one age and the healthy eating principles for seniors.
Week 1
Video 1: Is healthy eating a challenge for ageing?
Video 2: Importance of nutrition in healthy ageing
Video 3: Dietary Intake and Hydration Status of Seniors : an overlooked activity
Video 4: Malnutrition
Video 5: Nutritional screening
Video 6.1: Nutritional assessment
Video 6.2: Body height
Video 6.3: Body mass index
Video 6.4: Waist circumference
Video 6.5: Biochemical assessment
Video 6.6: Clinical assessment
Video 6.7: Dietary assessment
Video 6.8: Environmental assessment
Agarwal, E.; Miller, M.; Yaxley, A.; Isenring, E., Malnutrition in the elderly: a narrative review. Maturitas2013, 76 (4), 296-302.
Cederholm, T.; Bosaeus, I.; Barazzoni, R.; Bauer, J.; Van Gossum, A.; Klek, S.; Muscaritoli, M.; Nyulasi, I.; Ockenga, J.; Schneider, S. M.; de van der Schueren, M. A.; Singer, P., Diagnostic criteria for malnutrition - An ESPEN Consensus Statement. Clin Nutr2015, 34 (3), 335-40.
Cereda, E.; Pedrolli, C.; Klersy, C.; Bonardi, C.; Quarleri, L.; Cappello, S.; Turri, A.; Rondanelli, M.; Caccialanza, R., Nutritional status in older persons according to healthcare setting: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence data using MNA((R)). Clin Nutr2016, 35 (6), 1282-1290.
Chinese Nutrition Society, The Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes. (accessed 02/01/2020)
Correia, M., Nutrition Screening vs Nutrition Assessment: What's the Difference? Nutr Clin Pract2018, 33 (1), 62-72.
Isautier, J. M. J.; Bosnic, M.; Yeung, S. S. Y.; Trappenburg, M. C.; Meskers, C. G. M.; Whittaker, A. C.; Maier, A. B., Validity of Nutritional Screening Tools for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Am Med Dir Assoc2019, 20 (10), 1351 e13-1351 e25.
Kwok, T.; Whitelaw, M. N., The use of armspan in nutritional assessment of the elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc1991, 39 (5), 492-6.
Morley, J. E., Assessment of malnutrition in older persons: a focus on the Mini Nutritional Assessment. J Nutr Health Aging2011, 15 (2), 87-90.
Nestle Nutrition Institute, A guide to completing the Mini Nutritional Assessment – Short Form (MNA®-SF). Pan, W. H.; Yeh, W. T., How to define obesity? Evidence-based multiple action points for public awareness, screening, and treatment: an extension of Asian-Pacific recommendations. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr2008, 17 (3), 370-4.
Ritchie, C. S.; Locher, J. L.; Roth, D. L.; McVie, T.; Sawyer, P.; Allman, R., Unintentional weight loss predicts decline in activities of daily living function and life-space mobility over 4 years among community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci2008, 63 (1), 67-75.
Selberg, O.; Sel, S., The adjunctive value of routine biochemistry in nutritional assessment of hospitalized patients. Clin Nutr2001, 20 (6), 477-85.
Shim, J. S.; Oh, K.; Kim, H. C., Dietary assessment methods in epidemiologic studies. Epidemiol Health2014, 36, e2014009.
Shum, N. C.; Hui, W. W.; Chu, F. C.; Chai, J.; Chow, T. W., Prevalence of malnutrition and risk factors in geriatric patients of a convalescent and rehabilitation hospital. Hong Kong Med J2005, 11 (4), 234-42.
Stajkovic, S.; Aitken, E. M.; Holroyd-Leduc, J., Unintentional weight loss in older adults. CMAJ2011, 183 (4), 443-9.
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights (ST/ESA/SER.A/423); 2019.
Wong, M. M. H.; So, W. K. W.; Choi, K. C.; Cheung, R.; Chan, H. Y. L.; Sit, J. W. H.; Ho, B.; Li, F.; Lee, T. Y.; Chair, S. Y., Malnutrition risks and their associated factors among home-living older Chinese adults in Hong Kong: hidden problems in an affluent Chinese community. BMC Geriatr2019, 19 (1), 138.
Woo, J., Body mass index and mortality. Age Ageing2016, 45 (3), 331-3.
World Health Organization, Waist circumference and waist-hip ratio : report of a WHO expert consultation, Geneva, 8-11 December 2008. World Health Organization: Geneva, 2011.
Week 2
Video 7.1: Appetite
Video 7.2: Signs of a Decrease in Appetite
Video 8.1: How to Encourage Seniors with Eating Problems to Eat More
Video 8.2.1: For Seniors Who Need to Gain Weight
Video 8.2.2: For Seniors with Chewing and/or Swallowing Problems
Video 8.2.3: Food Choices
Video 8.3: Attention to Food Presentation
Video 8.4: Sarcopenia
Video 9.1: Safety Tips on Feeding
Video 9.2: Dehydration
Amella, E.J., Assessment and management of eating and feeding difficulties for older people: A NICHE protocol. Geriatric Nursing1998, 19 (5), 269-275.
Bachelor-Murphy, M.K.; Steinberg, F.M.; Young, H.M., Dietary and feeding modifications for older adult. AJN2019, 119 (12), 49-57.
Landi, F.; Calvani, R.; Tosato, M.; Martone, A.M.; Ortolani, E.; Savera, G.; sisto, A.; Marzetti, E., Anorexia of Aging: risk factors, consequences, and potential treatments. Nutrients2016, 8 (2), 69-78.
Volkert, D.; Beck, A. M.; Cederholm, T.; Cruz-Jentoft, A.; Goisser, S.; Hooper, L.; Kiesswetter, E.; Maggio, M.; Raynaud-Simon, A.; Sieber, C. C.; Sobotka, L.; van Asselt, D.; Wirth, R.; Bischoff, S. C., ESPEN guideline on clinical nutrition and hydration in geriatrics. Clin Nutr2019, 38 (1), 10-47.
Yanai, H. Nutrition for Sarcopenia. J Clin Med Res2015, 7 (12), 926-931.
Week 3
Video 10: Basic Tips on Diet for Older People
Video 11.1: Healthy Eating Principles
Video 11.2: Choose healthy fats
Video 11.3: Limit high sugar food and drinks
Video 11.4: Food Exchange List
Video 12.1: Nutrition for Seniors
Video 12.2: Remember the Tips for Better Elderly Nutrition
Bauer, J.; Biolo, G.; Cederholm, T.; Cesari, M.; Cruz-Jentoft, A. J.; Morley, J. E.; Phillips, S.; Sieber, C.; Stehle, P.; Teta, D.; Visvanathan, R.; Volpi, E.; Boirie, Y., Evidence-based recommendations for optimal dietary protein intake in older people: a position paper from the PROT-AGE Study Group. J Am Med Dir Assoc2013, 14 (8), 542-59.
Marti Del Moral, A.; Fortique, F., Omega-3 fatty acids and cognitive decline: a systematic review. Nutr Hosp2019, 36 (4), 939-949.
Maseda, A.; Diego-Diez, C.; Lorenzo-Lopez, L.; Lopez-Lopez, R.; Regueiro-Folgueira, L.; Millan-Calenti, J. C., Quality of life, functional impairment and social factors as determinants of nutritional status in older adults: The VERISAUDE study. Clin Nutr2018, 37 (3), 993-999.
Paddon-Jones, D.; Campbell, W. W.; Jacques, P. F.; Kritchevsky, S. B.; Moore, L. L.; Rodriguez, N. R.; van Loon, L. J., Protein and healthy aging. Am J Clin Nutr2015, 101 (6), 1339S-1345S.
Rusu, M. E.; Mocan, A.; Ferreira, I.; Popa, D. S., Health Benefits of Nut Consumption in Middle-Aged and Elderly Population. Antioxidants (Basel)2019, 8 (8).
World Health Organization, Guideline: Sugars Intake for Adults and Children; 2015.
Ye, E. Q.; Chacko, S. A.; Chou, E. L.; Kugizaki, M.; Liu, S. M., Greater Whole-Grain Intake Is Associated with Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, and Weight Gain. J Nutr2012, 142 (7), 1304-1313.
The videos in this course provide information for educational purposes only. The videos do not provide medical recommendations or diagnoses and are not substitutes for medical advice. It is crucial that you talk with your healthcare providers to discuss any questions you may have and seek them for medical advice, before you make any medical decisions. As the videos are only for educational purposes, we will not be responsible for any decisions you will make or consequences you will have based on the information they provide. In no event shall the Funder have any liability of any kind to any person or entity arising from or related to any actions taken or not taken as a result of any of the contents herein.