Assessment - Caregiver stress (Professional) - Website
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1.  A niece who provides financial support to her uncle but living apart is also defined as a caregiver.

5 points

2.  In Hong Kong, the majority of older adults who need assistance in daily living are taken care by domestic helper.

5 points

3.  Generally, female caregivers tend to experience higher caregiver burden and report higher levels of depression and lower level of life satisfaction than male caregivers.

5 points

4.  Zarit Burden Interview is a very common assessment tools to evaluate the health and mental status of a care recipient. 

5 points

5.  A son installed a CCTV at home and set an alarm at the door. Every night, he locks the door to prevent his father with dementia from wandering and going out as his father was found missing for a few times at night. This is an elder abuse.

5 points

6.  A daughter felt distressed about taking care of her mother with dementia. One day, she deliberately left her mother alone in an unfamiliar place and went away. Her mother was not able to go back home on her own. This is an elder abuse.

5 points

7.  Building resilience is crucial to cope with caregiver stress. Being resilient will definitely avoid from experiencing difficulty or distress.

5 points

8.  Adult children are advised to prepare themselves to take care of their old parents in the future although not yet doing the tasks. It is the first stage of caregiving called Expectant or anticipatory caregiver. 

5 points

9.  Financial arrangement is important in long-term care planning. Making a will when the care recipient is mentally competent can entrust the attorney to handle the asset on behalf of the care recipient when he/she becomes mentally incapacitated.

5 points

10.  When speaking to care recipients, direct instruction without providing options is always recommended to avoid confusion of the care recipients and being rejected by them.

5 points

11.  The government provides two types of care service vouchers to every older adult to purchase community care service.

5 points

12.  Constantly exhausted, even after sleeping or taking a break is a sign of caregiver burnout.

5 points

13.  When conducting the caregiver assessment, it’s preferable to assess both caregiver and care recipient by two assessors separately.

5 points

14.  Only nurses and social workers are responsible for the caregiver assessment.

5 points

15.  Caregiver Strain Index is a single dimension assessment tools to assess dementia caregiver burden with a higher score indicates higher burden.

5 points

16.  Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire is commonly used in assessing caregiver distress related to behavioral and psychological symptoms.

5 points

17.  Elder abuse refers to the commission or omission of any act that endangers the welfare or safety of an elderly person.  

5 points

18.  If you set personal limit and boundary in caring of your family member, it means being unloving, and admit your incompetence. 

5 points

19.  Mary’s mother is suffering from moderate stage of dementia. Mary should take prompt action to talk about the end-of-life care wishes and financial arrangement with her mother as soon as possible. 

5 points

20.  Mindfulness can be helpful for caregivers with high level of stress. It focuses on self-reflection and learning from the past experiences to avoid any mistakes in the future. 

5 points
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