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Guest Talks


			Writing in the Mathematical Sciences: Some Do's and Don'ts
		November 2023 Writing in the Mathematical Sciences: Some Do's and Don'ts Speaker: Prof. Anthony Man-Cho So

			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		October 2023 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables Speaker: Dr Sarah E. Webb

			Interview Preparation for Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces
		September 2023 Interview Preparation for Hong Kong Disciplinary Forces Speaker: Ms. Jovita Yueng

			Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers
		May 2023 Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			From PhD Thesis to Published Book
		May 2023 From PhD Thesis to Published Book Speaker: Dr. FONG Yoke Sim

			Publishing Your Research Series 2023
		April 2023 Publishing Your Research Series 2023 Speaker: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney

			Writing Systematic Reviews
			for Medical-related Research Postgraduate Students
		April 2023 Writing Systematic Reviews for Medical-related Research Postgraduate Students Speaker: Dr. Clarence Wang

			Practical Tips for IELTS Writing Tasks
		April 2023 Practical Tips for IELTS Writing Tasks Speaker: Mr. Richard Eng

			Ready, RESET, Go:  Mental Training with Ajahn Brahm
		March 2023 Ready, RESET, Go: Mental Training with Ajahn Brahm Speaker: Ajahn Brahm


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		October 2022 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Practical Tips for Maximising Your IELTS Writing Score
		September 2022 Practical Tips for Maximising Your IELTS Writing Score Speaker: Mr. Richard Eng

			Say "Hello and Welcome" to Aptitude Tests
		May 2022 Say "Hello and Welcome" to Aptitude Tests Speaker: Ms. Pamela Chai, Ms. Elsa Tang

    May 2022 搵工新常態:創建一份「閃亮」的履歷 Speaker: 黎兆麟先生(John Lai)

			Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers
		May 2022 Writing and Publishing Scientific Papers Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2022
		April 2022 Publishing Your Research Series 2022 Speaker: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		October 2021 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

		May 2021 書寫力量文化講座——Serrini的詩與歌 Speaker: Serrini(梁嘉茵,香港大學香港研究哲學博士)

			Publishing Your Research Series 2021
		April 2021 Publishing Your Research Series 2021 Speaker: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney
自由身,自由辛? -- 如何善用職場新趨勢 January 2021 自由身,自由辛? -- 如何善用職場新趨勢Speaker: 黎兆麟先生

			面試:師姐教路 -- 市場營銷、銷售及客戶服務相關職位面試策略
		January 2021 面試:師姐教路 -- 市場營銷、銷售及客戶服務相關職位面試策略 Speaker: 趙敏, 趙志芹


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		October 2020 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Designing Effective Figures and Tables Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2020
		April 2020 Publishing Your Research Series 2020 Speaker: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Preparing Your Data Presentation Skills - Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		October 2019 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Preparing Your Data Presentation Skills - Designing Effective Figures and Tables Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2019
		April 2019 Publishing Your Research Series 2019 Speaker: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney

			Uncertainty - Good? Bad? Who Knows?
		March 2019 Uncertainty - Good? Bad? Who Knows? Speaker: Ven. Ajahn Brahm Moderator: Gerald


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Perfecting Your Data Presentation Skills – Designing Effective Figures and Tables
		October 2018 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences: Perfecting Your Data Presentation Skills – Designing Effective Figures and Tables Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Publishing Your Research Series 2018
		April 2018 Publishing Your Research Series 2018 Speaker: Paul Nerney, Susan Lopez-Nerney

			Talk About Hong Kong Writers
		March 2018 Talk About Hong Kong Writers Speaker: Dung Kai Cheung, Cheung Yuen Man

			Highway to Happiness:
			Tips for Students, Teachers and Everyone
		March 2018 Highway to Happiness:
Tips for Students, Teachers and Everyone
Speaker: Ven. Ajahn Brahm Moderator: Gerald


			Successful Writing in the Sciences: Preparing Scientific Reports
		October 2017 Successful Writing in the Sciences: Preparing Scientific Reports Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			永遠的白玫瑰 - 細說三毛的文學與人生
		September 2017 永遠的白玫瑰 - 細說三毛的文學與人生 Speaker: 何杏楓教授, 薛幼春女士

			Embracing Negativity (And Positivity) in Life
		March 2017 Embracing Negativity (And Positivity) in Life Speaker: Ven. Ajahn Brahm Moderator: Gerald
銀影霜寒,拳腳爭鋒﹕中華武術在香江 March 2017 銀影霜寒,拳腳爭鋒﹕中華武術在香江Speaker: 劉繼堯博士, 盧敬之博士 Moderator: 巢立仁博士


			Successful Writing in the Sciences:Designing Effective Figures And Tables
		November 2016 Successful Writing in the Sciences:
Designing Effective Figures And Tables
Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			From Culture Shock to Multicultural Identity:
			Success Abroad and Back Home
		October 2016 From Culture Shock to Multicultural Identity:
Success Abroad and Back Home
Speaker: Mr. Pierre Assier

			Branding Yourself Professionally:
			Practical Tips Leading to a Successful Career
		October 2016 Branding Yourself Professionally:
Practical Tips Leading to a Successful Career
Speaker: Mr. William Lee, Ms. Esther Ma

			Esther Ma tells you all you need to know about Job Interviews
		April 2016 Esther Ma tells you all you need to know about Job Interviews Speaker: Ms. Esther Ma

			Successful Writing in the Sciences:
			Designing Effective Figures And Tables
		March 2016 Successful Writing in the Sciences:
Designing Effective Figures And Tables
Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			The Values of Life: Good? Bad? Who Decides?
		March 2016 The Values of Life: Good? Bad? Who Decides? Speaker: Ven. Ajahn Brahm

		January 2016 自學中心求職面試講座2﹕知己知彼,戰無不勝﹗ Speaker: Ms. Christine Cheung


			Developing a career in creative industries -
			Is it all about challenging stereotypes and testing bottom lines?
		November 2015 Developing a career in creative industries -
Is it all about challenging stereotypes and testing bottom lines?
Speaker: Ms. Joanne Chan, Mr. Andy Lee

		November 2015 別讓大學慣壞你﹗社會要求甚麼樣的求職者? Speaker: Ms. Angela Chiu, Ms. Flora Chan

			Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace
		October 2015 Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace Speaker: Dr. Paula Hodgson

			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
			Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
		March 2015 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb


			English and Life Long Learning: Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
		November 2014 English and Life Long Learning:
Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
Speaker: Dr. Nancy Lee

			Building a Career in the Media Industry – Stay Tuned!!
		October 2014 Building a Career in the Media Industry – Stay Tuned!! Speaker: Ms. Joanne Chan

			A Career in the Hong Kong Civil Service and What It Takes
		October 2014 A Career in the Hong Kong Civil Service and What It Takes Speaker: Ms. Anson Chan

			English and Life Long Learning: Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
		April 2014 English and Life Long Learning:
Why is it important and how can I achieve it?
Speaker: Dr. Nancy Lee

			Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace
		March 2014 Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace Speaker: Dr. Paula Hodgson

			Another Turn, Another Road:
			A Personal Account of My Career Development Story
		February 2014 Another Turn, Another Road:
A Personal Account of My Career Development Story
Speaker: Mr. Simon Cheung


			Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
			Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
		November 2013 Successful Writing in the Life Sciences:
Designing effective figures and tables for your thesis and research publications
Speaker: Dr. Sarah E. Webb

			Creative Writing Panel Discussion Fact and Fiction:Creative Writing in English
		November 2013 Creative Writing Panel Discussion Fact and Fiction:
Creative Writing in English
Speaker: Prof. Agnes S. L. LAM, Mr. Nury Vittachi, Ms. XU XI

			EQ -vs- IQ: the Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace
		October 2013 EQ -vs- IQ: the Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace Speaker: Dr. Barbara Dalle Pezze

			Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace
		April 2013 Managing Winning Projects from University to the Workplace Speaker: Dr. Paula Hodgson

			Teachers and Assessment: What You Need to Know and Why
		January 2013 Teachers and Assessment: What You Need to Know and Why Speaker: Dr Merry Keung


			Regina Ip speaks on the Importance of Good Bilingual Communication in the Civil Service
		December 2012 Regina Ip speaks on the Importance of Good Bilingual Communication in the Civil Service Speaker: Ms. Regina Ip

			Talk on Appreciating Asian Poetry in English
		October 2012 Talk on Appreciating Asian Poetry in English Speaker: Prof. Agnes Lam





  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford