
Corporate Innovation Index(CII)
The Corporate Innovation Index (CII) funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong SAR Government and developed by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business (APIB), The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The project aims to provide a holistic assessment of the innovation performance and achievements of companies in Hong Kong. Companies are invited to complete the questionnaire for their performance during the financial year of 2020-2021 or the year ended 31 December 2021. A framework with various dimensions of innovation will provide a meaningful foundation for measuring corporate innovation. A team of innovation experts used systematic review of research findings and practices conclusions to propose an innovation measurement model. Based on the IPO model, Corporate Innovation Index (CII) measures corporate innovation by considering three factors: pre-requisites (input), enabler (process), and value (output). This framework not only indicates corporate’s innovation capability but also helps to identify the innovation activities that need to be improved in the future. The CII framework consists of 12 factors, and each factor is mapped in its corresponding factor (i.e., pre-requisites, enabler, and value). These factors are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative factors. Based on the Innovation Framework, the project team has developed a measuring tool of corporate innovation and will rank universes of listed and non-listed corporates in Hong Kong. Our CII will measure and rank both (1) technological innovations (e.g. related to Big Data, Artificial Intelligence etc) and non-technological aspects in Hong Kong. We are now recruiting around 100 large corporates and 200-300 SMEs to participate in this measurement and ranking exercise. Hard figures and self-reported survey data will be collected and the project team will then perform rigorous statistical analysis and measurement model fine-tuning the first CII ranking. Top-ranked corporates will be invited to share their innovation journeys in the Hong Kong corporate Innovation Workshop. We will also organize an award ceremony to promote corporate innovation and announce the top-ranked corporates. The project team will develop online training kits describing the framework and measurements of CII. These kits will be made available online. We will also conduct a series of corporate innovation training for business leaders and executives to further strengthen the innovation culture and know-how among Hong Kong corporates. Last but not least is to collect feedback from the first ranking exercise, for refining the measurements for the next one. As a token of appreciation, participants will receive our CUHK Business School's latest mask holder as a souvenir after completing the questionnaire. Limited complimentary seats from CUHK Business School Executive Education Programme(s) in 2022 will also be offered to the top-ranked achievers from each industry sectors.
Design & Methodology
Innovation Framework
Data Collection
Project Development
Participate in Corporate Innovation Index
Know More about CII
Participate in Corporate Innovation Index Ranking
CUHK Business School has developed a set of measurement matrices and is now recruiting 100 corporates and 200 SMEs to participate in the Corporate Innovation Index(CII) ranking. Top-ranked achievers will be announced in the award ceremony in the second quarter of 2022, and will be received a certification to commend their effort to empower Hong Kong’s economy through innovation.
As a token of appreciation, participants will receive our CUHK Business School's latest mask holder as a souvenir after completing the questionnaire. Limited complimentary seats from CUHK Business School Executive Education Programme(s) in 2022 will also be offered to the top-ranked achievers from each industry sectors.
Phone: (852) 3943 8772
Email: apib@cuhk.edu.hk
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material / event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission, or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund.
企業創新指數 (CII)
企業創新指數(CII)是由香港政府創新科技署資助,香港中文大學亞太商學院(APIB)開發。這個項目旨在全面評估香港公司的創新表現和成就。我們將邀請不同公司填寫問卷,了解其在 2020-2021 財政年度或截至 2021 年 12 月 31 日的相關表現。
若要為評估企業的創新能力提供有意義的基礎,必須有一個多維度的研究框架。我們的創新專家團隊,先有系統地分析研究結果,再實踐當中的結論,最後提出一個評估創新能力的模型。根據IPO的模式,企業創新指數(CII)以三大要素來衡量企業的創新能力:先決條件(投入)、促成因素(過程)和價值(產出)。這個框架除了可顯示企業的創新能力,更能夠找出未來可改善的、有助創新的活動。CII 的框架由 12 個包含數量和質量的因素組成,每個因素也能對應相關的創新要素(即先決條件、促成因素和價值)。
根據上述研究創新能力的框架,項目團隊開發了評估的工具,並為香港的上市和非上市的企業作出排名。 CII 將在 (1) 技術創新(例如大數據、人工智能等等)和 (2) 非技術兩個層面來評估和排行不同公司。我們現正招募大約 100 間大型企業和 200至300 間中小企來參與這項評估和排名。過程中,我們將收集客觀數據和自我評估等資訊,再作嚴格的統計分析,經測量模型微調第一次 CII 的排名。當中最高排名的多間香港企業,將獲邀在創新能力工作坊分享他們的經歷。我們也會舉辦頒獎典禮公佈排名最前的企業名單,以推動企業創新。
項目團隊將開發網上培訓工具,講解 CII 的框架和評估方法。這些工具可在網上取得。我們亦會為商界領袖及行政人員舉辦一系列企業創新能力培訓,進一步加強香港企業的創新文化和知識。最後,我們在完成首次排名後,會收集意見,以改進未來的評估方法。
參加者完成問卷後,將獲贈中大商學院最新的口罩套作為紀念品,以表謝意。 除此之外,每個行業的最高排名企業,更可獲得中大商學院2022年高管教育課程的限量免費席位。
參加者完成問卷後,將獲贈中大商學院最新的口罩套作為紀念品,以表謝意。 除此之外,每個行業的最高排名企業,更可獲得中大商學院2022年高管教育課程的限量免費席位。
電話: (852) 3943 8772
電郵: apib@cuhk.edu.hk
企业创新指数 (CII)
企业创新指数(CII)是由香港政府创新科技署资助,香港中文大学亚太商学院(APIB)开发。这个项目旨在全面评估香港公司的创新表现和成就。我们将邀请不同公司填写问卷,了解其在 2020-2021 财政年度或截至 2021 年 12 月 31 日的相关表现。
若要为评估企业的创新能力提供有意义的基础,必须有一个多维度的研究框架。我们的创新专家团队,先有系统地分析研究结果,再实践当中的结论,最后提出一个评估创新能力的模型。根据IPO的模式,企业创新指数(CII)以三大要素来衡量企业的创新能力:先决条件(投入)、促成因素(过程)和价值(产出)。这个框架除了可显示企业的创新能力,更能够找出未来可改善的、有助创新的活动。 CII 的框架由 12 个包含数量和质量的因素组成,每个因素也能对应相关的创新要素(即先决条件、促成因素和价值)。
根据上述研究创新能力的框架,项目团队开发了评估的工具,并为香港的上市和非上市的企业作出排名。 CII 将在 (1) 技术创新(例如大数据、人工智能等等)和 (2) 非技术两个层面来评估和排行不同公司。我们现正招募大约 100 间大型企业和 200至300 间中小企来参与这项评估和排名。过程中,我们将收集客观数据和自我评估等资讯,再作严格的统计分析,经测量模型微调第一次 CII 的排名。当中最高排名的多间香港企业,将获邀在创新能力工作坊分享他们的经历。我们也会举办颁奖典礼公布排名最前的企业名单,以推动企业创新。
项目团队将开发网上培训工具,讲解 CII 的框架和评估方法。这些工具可在网上取得。我们亦会为商界领袖及行政人员举办一系列企业创新能力培训,进一步加强香港企业的创新文化和知识。最后,我们在完成首次排名后,会收集意见,以改进未来的评估方法。
电话: (852) 3943 8772
电邮: apib@cuhk.edu.hk