The Faculty of Medicine of CUHK recently introduced the low dose EOS 2D/3D imaging system, one of the state-of-the-art imaging technologies to enhance orthopaedic diagnosis and attain optimal treatment. The new system commenced service at the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) in June 2015. It not only generates 3D images automatically for more accurate assessment of the patient’s condition, but also shortens half of the check-up time, with the radiation dosage produced 90% less than that of the conventional X-ray. As one of the referral centers for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients, PWH has about 1,000 new cases and 3,000 follow-up cases each year. Many of these patients require X-ray examination every half year to monitor their spinal growth and treatment progress, and some may even need life-long follow-up. The new system can avoid exposing patients to large radiation doses repeatedly under conventional X-ray. Other patients will also benefit from the new system, such as adults with spinal problems, those whoundergo total hip and knee replacement surgery, and people with leg length discrepancy. |