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Assessment - Better teeth, better health (Professional)
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1. According to an oral health survey conducted by the Department of Health in Hong Kong in 2011, the result showed that the extent of having less than 20 teeth was as high as 40.5%.
5 points
2. In an oral health survey conducted by the Department of Health in Hong Kong (2011), the state of oral health of the older people depicts a worrying situation of the poor oral health status among older people in Hong Kong.
5 points
3. Dental caries remains a minor oral health problem among the elderly.
5 points
4. Gum Disease also known as periodontal disease is an infection that affects tooth support tissues. When these problems are not treated, the final stage of caries and gum disease is tooth loss, and eventually edentulism.
5 points
5. The mouth acts as an entry for disease with tooth decay and gum disease, that share links with many of the chronic medical conditions experienced by older people.
5 points
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