Public Exam Materials Usage Regulations

To use the current collection of the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE), Joint Recruitment Examination (JRE), Administrative Officer (AO), and Executive Officer (EO) examination preparation and practice materials (English & Chinese) which are available at the ILC (1/F, Wu Chung Library, United College), please observe the following regulations:

  1. materials are only made available for current CUHK students with valid student cards, and must be used while in the user area of the Independent Learning Centre (ILC),
  2. exam preparation and practice materials are copyright protected by the ILC, and therefore, copying/ reproduction of any kind is strictly prohibited,
  3. to allow fair use of the materials, students can only sign out one booklet/ one set of materials for up to one hour at a time, and
  4. materials can only be used during ILC office hours (i.e. 8:45am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.