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  • Globalization and Regional Transformation in Pacific Asia

Globalization and Regional Transformation in Pacific Asia

Yue-man Yeung

English , 1999/01 HKIAPS, Occasional Paper Series Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Tags: Asian Studies

215 x 140 mm , 24pp ISBN : 978-962-441-103-4

  • US$2.50

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Globalization and Regional Transformation in Pacific Asia Globalization and regionalization are two sides of the same coin. They are major processes affecting the global economy since the early 1980s. An energy spearheading a globalizing economy has been a series of technological innovations, including information technologies. Pacific Asia is a region that has capitalized on the globalization process. Various forms of spatial structures have evolved to take advantage of opportunities in flexible cooperation. Global cities, growth triangles, extended metropolitan regions and urban corridors are briefly described. The region has also approached regional integration with determination. Some of the region-wide efforts are reviewed. Even the concept of the region is changing, with processes of change coming from many directions.

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