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  • Our Home, Sham Shui Po 推土機前種花

Our Home, Sham Shui Po 推土機前種花


English, Chinese , 2011/01 MCCM Creations

Tags: Cultural Studies

210 x 155 mm , 160pp ISBN : 978-988-18583-7-5

  • US$15.00

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Sham Shui Po is one of the oldest and largest districts in Hong Kong. Over the years, strong community bonds were established in the neighbourhood and hence, small shops can stand there over decades - a 104-year old shop selling soy sauce, a pre-war shoe factory and the last traditional Chinese flower banners shop, etc. In 2004, the Urban Renewal Authority announced a number of redevelopment projects. These government renewal projects dramatically changed the lives of many people and weakened the social fabric of the community. Sham Shui Po was one of the affected districts. Ordinary people in Sham Shui Po unite against the unreasonable development policy, to protect their community and their ways of life. This book highlights both their struggle and hope.

活化社區的過程中,政府若能以平等、合理及帶人情味的態度去處理關乎人的問題,深思熟慮地開拓民間自主規劃的空間,而非姿態強硬強制執行,或可減少缺乏溝通引來的對抗。在深水?的興華街、青山道、元州街、昌華街和福榮街上,一群唐樓被規劃為重建區域,政府說目標是改善居民生活,會用以人為本的方式進行,這一區自此被統稱為 K20-23項目。住區內多年的人有老有幼,還有經營幾十年的老字號,都各有故事,他們有個共同名字,叫做街坊。有年老居民不識字,被政府控告不依期遷出,罪名是「非法霸佔官地」。在推土機和舊樓磚牆之間,是不是只得一種處理方法?街坊有話想說,有沒有人要聽?

An enaging storyteller and facilitator, Maggie CHAU Yee-mei had lived in Shum Shui Po since 1980. She was one of the key figures who spoke for Shum Shui Po community during the district demolition period. Chau graduated from the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytecnic University, and currently teaches in a primary school.


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