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  • 東亞發展的典範轉移 A Dialogue of Civilizations in the Thrid Millenium and the Chinese Development Paradigm, Vol.1: A Paradigm Shift in the East Asian Development

東亞發展的典範轉移 A Dialogue of Civilizations in the Thrid Millenium and the Chinese Development Paradigm, Vol.1: A Paradigm Shift in the East Asian Development


Chinese , 2011/01 University of Macau

Tags: Politics, Asian Studies

255 x 178 mm , 644pp ISBN : 978-99965-1-016-8

  • US$33.00

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本書以葡萄牙人沿著海上絲瓷之路東來為東西關係的分水嶺的 “三個五百年”中,對亞洲-亞太-東亞地區的發展方式的各有不同,進行分析。

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