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  • 疊彩 Layered Beauty

疊彩 Layered Beauty

抱一齋藏中國漆器 The Baoyizhai Collection of Chinese Lacquer


English, Chinese , 2010/11 Art Museum, CUHK

Tags: Art

295 x 220 mm , 248pp ISBN : 978-962-7101-93-2

  • US$39.00

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同名展覽之圖錄。全書分三部分,第一部分收錄已故香港漆器專家胡世昌醫生(1924-2006)「抱一齋」珍藏的漆器五十多項。第二部分重刊胡醫生與李經澤先生合撰的漆藝論文十一篇。第三部分則選刊醫學界友好及文物同行懷緬胡醫生的紀念文章。抱一齋藏漆的年代從最早的戰國時期(西元前475-221年)直到晚清十九世紀,而以明代漆器為主,反映前後二千餘年的中國漆器藝術的傳統特色與豐富內涵。全部漆器彩版精印,附詳細中英文說明文字,圖文並茂。 An exhibition catalogue to accompany the exhibition of Chinese lacquer from the Baoyizhai Collection of the late Dr Hu Shih-Chang (1924-2006). The book consists of three sections. In the first section are all the exhibits with detailed descriptions in Chinese and English, and illustrated in colour plates. Reprints of the published articles on Chinese lacquer co-authored by Dr Hu and Mr Lee King-Tsi are compiled in the second section. In the final section are tributes to Dr Hu by his fellow doctors, good friends and beloved sons. The exhibits comprise Chinese lacquer wares from the Warring States period (475-221 BCE) to late Qing (end of 19th century), the highlights being various Ming lacquer pieces. The different techniques and artistic lacquer styles adopted during these two millennia are amply illustrated by the exhibits.

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