O&G Specialty

The Department is the largest O&G training centre accredited by the Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (HKCOG). It is also an accredited training centre for maternal fetal medicine, reproductive medicine, gynaecological oncology and urogynaecology, endoscopic surgery and adolescent gynaecology. Hence, we provide O&G trainees a very comprehensive education, ranging from basic O&G practice to state-of-the-art surgical and laboratory techniques in various areas, such as fetoscopic laser therapy, advanced prenatal genomic diagnosis and pre-implantation diagnosis, robotic gynaecological cancer surgery, and pelvic floor reconstructive surgery during their 6-year training period. We regularly attract enthusiastic and energetic doctors for O&G specialty training. The passing rates of the trainees in their first attempts at professional examinations (HKCOG SOE, MRCOG Part II, HKCOG’s fellowship examination) are almost 100%. Some of our trainees were awarded the LC Ho’s award with their outstanding performance in HKCOG’s SOE examination.
Under HKCOG’s training program, conduction of a research and publication of a report in a peer review journal is one of the essential requirements, which could be difficult for many inexperienced trainees. Being a university unit, we support our trainees to complete their assignment with the supervision by experienced professors, assistance from research staff, rich database and strong statistical tools. Through the exercise, the trainees will gain valuable experience and knowledge in research, which help them to develop analytic mind and critical thinking, a skill that is rigorously indispensable in their future daily clinical practice as a specialist. Trainees are not expected to be heavily involved in research, but those who are very interested in research may enjoy more opportunity in participating high profile research and presenting their work in international conferences.