
The Fetal Medicine Team provides a wide range of prenatal screening, diagnostic, therapeutic and counselling services to pregnant women in Hong Kong and overseas as either public and private patients.
Prenatal Screening
- First trimester Combined Down syndrome screening using Nuchal translucency and biochemical markers (OSCAR)
- First trimester Preeclampsia Screening
- Second trimester biochemical Down Syndrome Screening
- Non-invasive prenatal testing of Down syndrome using circulating cell free fetal DNA (NIPT)
- Second trimester Fetal morphological scan
- Fragile X-screening
Prenatal Diagnostic procedures
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Amniocentesis
- Cordocentesis
Fetal genetic diagnosis
- Standard Karyotyping
- Rapid testing: PCR, FISH, BoBs Assay
- Comprehensive Fetal DNA Chip
Fetal therapy
- Fetoscopic laser for twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Selective fetocide for complicated twin pregnancies
- Shunting / pleurodesis for fetal pleural effusion
- Other therapy such as fetoscopic endotracheal balloon occlusion
Genetic Counseling
- Explanation and discussion with parents for abnormal or complicated genetic test results, with guidance on the future investigation and management
Newborn Screening
Preterm Prevention Clinic
The Preterm Prevention Clinic (PREM clinic) is the first in Hong Kong that is designed specifically for pregnant women at a high risk of second trimester miscarriage or preterm labour, including women with short cervix or a history of cervical insufficiency. Dr. Annie Hui and her team closely monitor the women and provide the appropriate treatments in an attempt to reduce the risk of preterm labour. We also provide counselling for women before conception or after delivery on how to manage a future pregnancy. The PREM Clinic runs every Friday morning in the LKS Out-patient clinic, Prince of Wales Hospital.