2019July -2020June
The effect of in utero hyperglycaemia, maternal overnutrition and interaction with postnatal lifestyle on cardiometabolic risk at young adulthood – extension of HAPO follow up study
2018July -2019June
Deciphering novel chromosomal rearrangements by low-pass whole genome sequencing of abortus from idiopathic recurrent miscarriage couple
2017July -2018June
Cell-free DNA in embryo culture medium of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) for preimplantation genetic screening
2016July -2017June
An investigation into the functional significance of the microbiome of the endometrium in women with reproductive failure
Capturing early events in human parturition based on whole-transcriptome analysis of maternal blood before and after spontaneous onset of labor at term
The impact of gestational diabetes mellitus and vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy on children’s cardiometabolic risk and methylation