The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Prince of Wales Hospital

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Prof. Chim Siu Chung, Stephen Associate Professor
(852) 3505 1324



Our team has a keen interest in developing non-invasive markers for predicting preterm birth, a major contributor to neonatal morbidity and mortality. Globally, over 13 million babies were born preterm (birth before 37 gestational weeks) each year. Many fetal organ systems, including the brain and lungs, need the final 3 weeks of pregnancy to develop fully. Thus, the early preterm birth <34 weeks is associated with poor neonatal outcomes, including respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular hemorrhage, long-term neurological disabilities and even neonatal death. It is estimated that 10 neonates die per minute world-wide as a result of preterm birth. Better prediction of preterm birth in women without preterm labor (asymptomatic) and with preterm labor (symptomatic) is a vital step to improving the management of this condition.

We have leveraged on the technological breakthrough brought forth by massively parallel sequencing (MPS). MPS has enabled us to explore the microbiomes and transcriptomes at an unprecedentedly high resolution and wide scope for markers. Clinically useful markers in maternal peripheral blood or in the female reproductive tract swab samples have been identified with promising potential to predict:

  • spontaneous preterm birth after clinical intervention on women who are asymptomatic but at high-risk for preterm birth;
  • spontaneous preterm birth among the symptomatic women.

Multi-centre studies pertinent to the further characterisation and development of these markers in different ethnic groups are underway.

Research Interests

Non-invasive markers for predicting preterm birth in asymptomatic and symptomatic women

Dynamic changes in maternal immune biomarkers during labor in nulliparous versus multiparous women Ding W, Lau SL, Wang CC, Zhang T, Getsko O, Lee NMW, Chim SSC, Wong CK, Leung TY Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022 Oct;227(4):627.e1-627.e23
(2021) Whole-transcriptome analysis of maternal blood for identification of RNA markers for predicting spontaneous preterm birth among preterm labour women: abridged secondary publication. Chim SSC, Chan TF, Leung TY. Hong Kong Med J 26 Suppl 6:20-23.
(2020) Whole genome miRNA profiling revealed miR-199a as potential placental pathogenesis of selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies. Meng M, Cheng YKY, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY. Placenta 92:44-53.
Endometrial microbiota in infertile women with and without chronic endometritis as diagnosed using a quantitative and reference range-based method. Liu Y, Ko EYL, Wong KKW, Chen X, Cheung WC, Law TSM, Chung JPW, Tsui SKW, Li TC, Chim SSC. Fertil Steril. 2019 Oct; 112(4):707-717.el
(2019) Endometrial microbiota in infertile women with and without chronic endometritis as diagnosed using a quantitative and reference range-based method. Liu Y, Ko EY, Wong KK, Chen X, Cheung WC, Law TS, Chung JP, Tsui SK, Li TC, Chim SSC Fertil Steril 112:707-717
Systematic micro-array based identification of placental mRNA in maternal plasma: towards non-invasive prenatal gene expression profiling Tsui NBY, Chim SSC, Chiu RWK, Lau TK, Ng EKO, Leung TN, Tong YK, Chan KCA, Lo YMD. J Med Genet 2004;41:461-7. [Cited 80 times]
Detection and characterization of placental MicroRNAs in maternal plasma. Chim SSC; Shing TKF, Hung ECW, Leung TY, Lau TK, Chiu RWK, Lo YMD. Clinical Chemistry 2008; 54: 482-90. [Cited 326 times]
Detection of the placental epigenetic signature of the maspin gene in maternal plasma. Chim SSC, Tong YK, Chiu RWK, Lau TK, Leung TN, Chan LYS, Oudejans CB, Ding C, Lo YMD. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005;102:14753-8. [Cited 191 times]
The Chinese SARS molecular epidemiology consortium: Molecular evolution of the SARS coronavirus during the course of the SARS epidemic in China. He JF, Peng GW, Min J, Yu DW, Liang WJ, Zhang SY, Xu RH, Zheng H.Y, Wu X.W, Xu J, Wang ZH, Fang L, Zhang X, Li H, Yan XG, Lu HJ, Hu ZH, Huang JC, Wan ZY, Hou JL, Lin JY, Song HD, Wang SY, Zhou XJ, Zhang GW, Gu BW, Zheng HJ, Zhang XL, He M, Zheng K, Wang BF, Fu G, Wang XN, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Hao P, Tang H, Ren S.X, Zhong Y, Guo Z.M, Liu Q, Miao YG, Kong XY, He WZ, Li YX, Wu CI, Zhao GP, Chiu RWK, Chim SSC, Tong YK Chan PKS, Tam JS, Lo YMD. Science 2004;303:1666-9. [Cited 243 times] (49th of 52 authors)
Genomic characterisation of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus of Amoy Gardens outbreak in Hong Kong. Chim SSC, Tsui SKW, Chan KCA, Au TC, Hung EC, Tong YK, Chiu RWK, Ng EKO, Chan PK, Chu CM, Sung JJ, Tam JS, Fung KP, Waye MM, Lee CY, Yuen KY and Lo YMD. Lancet 2003.362:1807-8. [Cited 37 times
Whole genome miRNA profiling revealed miR-199a as potential placental pathogenesis of selective fetal growth restriction in monochorionic twin pregnancies Meng M, Cheng YKK, Wu L, Chaemsaithong P, Leung MBW, Chim SSC, Sahota DS, Li W, Poon LCY, Wang CC, Leung TY Placenta Volume 92, March 2020, Pages 44-53
A systematic comparison of bacterial colonization of endometrial tissue and fluid samples in recurrent miscarriage patients: Implications for future endometrial microbiome studies Liu Y, Wong KKW, Ko EYL, Chen X, Huang J, Tsui SKW, Li TC, Chim SSC Clin Chem. 2018 Dec;64(12):1743-1752
Proteomic Analysis Reveals Platelet Factor 4 and Beta-thromboglobulin as Prognostic Markers in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Poon TCW, Pang RTK, Chan AKC, Lee NLS, Chiu RWK, Tong YK, Chim SSC, Ngai SSM, Sung JJY, Lo DYM Electrophoresis 2012;33(12): 1894 - 1900
Calcyclin binding protein promotes DNA synthesis and differentiation in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes. Au KW, Kou CYC, Woo AYH, Chim SSC, Fung KP, Cheng CHK, Waye MMY, Tsui SKW J Cell Biochem 2006;98(3): 555 - 566
A simple and rapid approach for screening of SARS-coronavirus genotypes: an evaluation study. Chung GTY, Chiu Rossa WK, Cheung JLK, Jin Yongjie, Chim SSC, Chan PKS, Lo DYM BMC Infect Dis 2005;5: 87