
Welcome Message from Programme Director

Dr. CHONG Shuk Ching Josephine
Associate Professor of Practice in Medical Genetics
MBBS(HKU), MRCPCH, Msc in Medical Genetics(CUHK), DCH(Sydney),
FHKCPaed, FHKAM(Paed), Fellow in Genetics & Genomics (Paediatrics)
Medical Genetics is one of the most rapidly evolving areas in the medical field and is becoming a necessary element in medical practice. As a pioneer in medical genetics postgraduate education in Hong Kong, our programme equips you with a solid foundation in providing care for obstetric, paediatric and adult patients with cytogenetic, biochemical, developmental and cancer diseases.
The programme is designed to develop a deep understanding in genetic counselling, practical application of the latest laboratory techniques, essential interpersonal and leadership skills in a multidisciplinary team through a lively and engaging learning experience. It is an excellent platform for you to strive for career and professional advancement in the medical genetics.
For more information, please view our programme brochure.
Prospective Students

Clinical professionals (such as obstetricians, paediatricians, physicians, nurses and midwives) who manage patients and families with genetic diseases in their daily practice.
Laboratorial professionals who work in genetics and genomic testing.

Research professionals who conduct scientific research on medicine and life science.
Applicants who would like to devote themselves to the field of medical genetics, one of most rapidly evolving areas and explore topics such as genetic counseling, gene therapy, human genome project and so on.

Taster Lecture Series (January 2021)