Success Stories

Success Stories
2014 – 2016

KOO Yuen Yuk, Michelle

The newly commenced course of MSc in Obstetric Care by CUHK is a milestone in Midwifery Education in Hong Kong. It enhances the development of midwifery professions, increases the quality of registered midwives, and widens the field of vision in global midwifery practice. The course is different from other master courses in nursing, as it focuses on midwifery professions, by exposing students to more advanced midwifery knowledge, skills, and experiences. The fruitful course content includes taught lectures by experienced staff and famous oversea guest speakers in midwifery, clinical practicum, skill practice, as well as optional oversea hospital visit which is a very good opportunity for us to broaden our vision. Although life becomes very busy after studying this course, it is good to have such a wonderful study experience because of its extraordinary content in midwifery and obstetric care! I really enjoy so much during the time with my lovely and brilliant classmates and I will encourage my colleagues and friends to apply the next class, especially it becomes MSc in Obstetric and Midwifery Care in next year! So Cool!
LAM Lai Chun
去年這時候,我作出了人生中一個重要的決定 – 要不要報讀這個關於產科護理碩士課程呢?腦海裡總是思前想後、心中總是多翻掙扎。放下書本已十多年,想起要做功課、温書、考試等,自己仍能應付得來嗎?要讀碩士課程,各院校也有推出各種不同的課程選擇,而課程的內容、時間的長短、價錢等等各方面亦是考慮因素。 而這課程又是第一次舉辦,且又這麽專業,確實需要嗎?
LEE Yuen Yi

For seven years I remember, I have dreamed of a university in Hong Kong to organize master for midwifery. I love to update my knowledge on midwifery practice and continue the development of hands–on practice.
At first, the course toke almost one week of whole day classes and needed to take annual leave of my own, but I remained enthusiastic. New things of midwife began to get really interesting and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Although the days were long and hard, the course filled me with pride. It and reinvigorated my love of midwifery. I feel more engaged as a midwife and this great joy grows with time.
TSANG Mei Ling, Sonia

I am glad to be studying in this master course. It is more fruitful than I expected before. Last year, the most valuable experience for me was learning ultrasonography interpretation in morphology scan during on-site visit. I was updated with advanced and latest technology in midwifery care, e.g. STAN, IVF, Labor Pro Machine, etc. There was also an overseas exchange program which widened our horizons in advanced obstetric practice worldwide. The course provided a platfor.m for midwives in Hong Kong to meet and S.Hare their nursing practice, too. To conclude, this master course is definitely just “more than lectures”.
Ms. LAI Chit Ying

Deputy Programme Director
MSc in Obstetric and Midwifery Care
Thanks to the liaison of Professor Soo Downe and the thoughtful arrangement of University of Central LancaS.Hire, our master students had a very fruitful experience during this one week hospital visit. We are especially appreciated with the university midwifery lecturer, NeeS.Ha Ridley, Anna Byrom, Kerry Taylor who cared us throughout this week.
We have visited different places for childbirth including hospital, alongside birth centre and free standing birth centre. On one hand we are proud of our advanced technology standard in Hong Kong which is comparable to those in UK. On the other hand we admire the beautiful facilities in the birth centre which offer families a relaxed environment where they can start their journey into parenthood. UK midwives have a very high degree of autonomy in caring nor.mal low risk pregnant women.
We feel the passion of the midwives who endeavour in promoting nor.mal birth, initiating early skin to skin contact and adopting different complementary therapies for women to go through this birth journey. We visited the one to one midwifery service which conducted hypnobirthing classes for couples. This is a program to empower women and their partners to be more in Cont rol of their birth experience by mental rehearsal and Cont rolled breathing during the antenatal period. This inspires us very much in supporting women to have better preparation for the childbirth.
In future, we hope we can develop collaborative relationS.HiP-S with overseas university. This overseas hospital will be continued and it is for sure beneficial to students.
Finally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all midwives in East LancaS.Hire teaching hospitals, Blackburn birthcentre and one to one midwifery service. Without their effort, this visit could not come true.
LEE Pandora

This master course is well beyond my expectation. It covers a wide range of topics from lactation, nor.mal birth, leadership and advanced technology in obstetric and midwifery care. The overseas speakers are experts and specialists in advanced midwifery issues. The overseas visit in UK that is jointly organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Central LancaS.Hire has visualized what I have learnt during lectures. I gain the opportunities to visit different birth centers. I am inspired when seeing how the midwives in UK safeguard nor.mal birth and keep the women away from medicalization. Besides, they remind me of the special collaborative relationS.Hip between midwives and women. This overseas visit also exp-ands my horizon of different midwifery practices. The most memorable moment of this visit is the S.Haring session of one to one midwifery care by a community midwife. This S.Haring session is about home birth. Home birth is a new concept for the midwife and women in HK. Through the S.Haring session, I gain a deeper understanding of how the home birth service runs and the philosophy behind this service. Overall, I would say the overseas visit in UK is a fruitful one.
KOO Yuen Yuk, Michelle
TSANG Wan Chi, Cyrena

It was an amazing and wonderful trip! During the time in England, we had visited different Birth Centers in different settings in LancaS.Hire, including Midwife-Led Birth Unit within obstetric units, the free-standing Midwife-Led Birth Centers and One-to-One Midwifery Service, which we have never seen before. Also, we had massive discussion and S.Haring on midwifery practice with colleagues in England, focusing on nor.mal birth, the political and social environment towards childbirth in England and in Hong Kong. The different settings of birth units, as well as the career pathway in midwifery and its professional development were also discussed. We had a great time in LancaS.Hire with our lovely tour coordinators, NeeS.Ha and Anna, along with all of the enthusiastic midwives in England who were all very kind and willing to S.Hare their experiences in midwifery practice! This trip was excellent not only because it provided a chance for us to broaden our horizon towards nor.mal birth, but also gave us a meaningful and enjoyable summer break! We enjoyed and learned a lot during our time in UK and no wonder it would be one of the most meaningful study triP-S in our lives. We do hope we could bring the new ideas home and soon those good midwifery practices could be adopted in our work place in the near future.
LAI Mei Ki, Maggie

The UK hospital visit was a five-day programme. We visited many local colleges and birthing centres like the University of Central LancaS.Hire, the obstetric units of LancaS.Hire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, East LancaS.Hire Hospital NHS Trust and the Blackburn Birth Centre NHS Choices.
During this trip, we were introduced a new concept of midwifery service – the One to One Midwifery service. The women who gave birth in these units report high level of satisfaction with the midwives’ sincere care, particularly on the practical advice and continue care that they received. This service has really enriched my knowledge and widened my vision about my profession.
Moreover, I am highly appreciated to have this opportunity to explore more about the special care for an expectant mother with nor.mal birth and the pros and cons of water birth. The visit has also given me so many inspirations and I am passionate in those midwifery and obstetric practices.
I highly recommend this UK hospital visit to you.
LAM Kit Yee

Our hospital visit tour started on 8 June. When the plane landed on that morning, I was much excited as we finally arrived at UK after months of preparation. I could not wait to S.Hare midwifery practices with oversea experts and also I enjoyed sightseeing in the lovely cities of Manchester and Preston much. We received war.m welcome and hospitality from the university staff members and the midwives of various institutions. We also paid visits to various birth centres and an one-to-one midwifery service. I was much inspired by their midwifery arts and skills in facilitating their women to de-liver a natural birth. It was definitely a good learning experience for me! Don’t miss this tour in the next master course.
LEE Pui Yee

This summer, we joined the hospital visit in United Kingdom. It’s inspired me a lots about the natural birth. The most impressive itinerary in this trip was the visit of One to One Midwifery Center. The service let the pregnant women receive the antenatal care, de-livery and postnatal care at home, and the midwives will come and provide the antenatal and postnatal visit at the pregnant women’s living place instead of hospital. Both midwives and expectant mothers feel satisfactory in the de-livery after trying. Even the women would like to de-liver her baby in hospital, there are many kinds of choice. The birth position and non-phar.macy pain relief are also provided.
In the past, I’m a staff who always follows the department guide-lines. After the tour, everything opens my mind to think more about our practice today. I highly recommend joining the master course and the hospital visit. It is worth to do so.
TSE Chui S.Han

It was glad that we got the opportunity to visit the hospitals in UK. During the UK hospital visit, we had the tour in maternity units in hospital setting, community setting and even the home birth service provider. The maternity care system in UK focused on midwifery care, which is really different from that in HK focused on obstetric care. They see pregnancy as a nor.mal process in women’s life and try their best to promote natural birth. Although we learned much about nor.mal birth in our midwifery training, it is difficult for us to fully utilize it in our health care system. I highly recommend our midwifery colleagues joining the hospital visit in the future. It has broadened our horizons and let us learn how to support nor.mal birth and respect women’s choice in de-livery planning. It is fruitful and is a valuable experience.
WOO Kam Fong

Although the overseas hospital visit is an optional attachment in the master course, it really enriches the whole course. We had a wonderful time meeting with the other culture midwives and S.Hared the experience. They pay more efforts in education and support to help women in every aspect of their pregnancy. The birth practice is more natural. Less medical interventions are applied. Some birth centers are independent and well equipped to promote the water birth which is not well developed in Hong Kong. I was impressed by the hypnosis service which was provided at the unique local community service which works in partnerS.Hip with the NHS. I can see the other mode of service in all-rounded and high quality maternity care. I really recommend the UK hospital visit.
2016 – 2018

Whitney S.hum

“This master program ex-pands my view of global midwifery practice. Besides the experienced midwifery and obstetrics specialist in Hong Kong, guest speakers from different countries, such as UK and Australia, were invited to S.hare their practice, knowledge and experiences with us. The program does not only teach knowledge from lectures, but also arranged hands-on perineal repair workS.hop, clinical practicum in urological clinic and ultrasound sessions for pregnant women and hospital visits for students to experience and understand updated midwifery practice in Hong Kong and foreign countries.
During the hospital visits in Australia, I was most impressed by the continuity of midwifery care and the extension of midwifery care in the community. Midwives team provides regular antenatal assessment to women in community centers nearby their home. Women also benefits from the early discharge policy while support by midwives in postnatal visits. Women feel comfortable to have postnatal assessment and discuss newborn care in their home.”
Candy Chow

This obstetric and midwifery master course is the only one organized in Hong Kong. I am happy I can update more on midwifery practice. The topics are very attractive, such as obstetric USG, nor mal birth and IVF. It starts my passion to promote nor mal birth in my working place. It was a valuable experience to learn about obstetric USG. The guest speakers from oversea were so greats, Prof Soo Downe, Prof Fiona Dykes, Prof Renee Flacking, Prof Caroline Homer and Prof Cathy Warwick. They taught us how to be a better midwife. The Hong Kong lecture speakers are also very enthusiastic to teach us. This master course is more fruitful than I expected before. I am glad to be studying in this master course. I feel more engaged to be a real midwife and enjoy my work more.
Ko Wing Sze

Taking the Master of Science in Obstetric and Midwifery Care is genuinely a non-regretable choice. Despite it required investment of myriads of time and energy for lessons, assignments and examinations, the course was valuable taking for it broadened my horizon with so many new inputs like hypnobirthing and mindfulness. What’s more, my midwifery knowledge was further advanced with the leaderS.hip module and USG module.
The course provided us opportunity to visit overseas hospitals. We mainly went to the St. George Hospital and Sutherland Hospital in Sydney this year. I noticed the practice in the two hospitals were similar to that in Hong Kong, but to a better extent. For example, the midwives’ clinics there offered clients more time for assessment and interaction between midwives and clients. In addition, the atmosphere inside the labour rooms were more silent and peaceful than those in Hong Kong. Also, midwives in Sydney offered home visits for postnatal women and their newborns which was so inspiring. All in all, I gained a lot from this master course.
Lam Wing Yan

“The master program is worth than expectation. It integrates both theoretical and clinical practice of up-to-date midwifery practices. Variety of areas about midwifery is covered in the program including USG, lactation, leadership and communication, complementary therapies like hypnobirthing and mindfulness. Clinical placement in USG course helps me integrates knowledge in to practices with the use of technology. Overseas experts are invited to give lectures. They widen my views in advanced midwifery practice and leadership in the profession. I am inspired by the concept of normal birth and how the midwifery practices to achieve this in foreign countries.
The overseas hospital visit is a valuable experience to explore midwifery practice in Australia. I got the opportunities to visit different obstetrics units and Services in hospitals as well as the University for training midwives. The most memorable part is the postnatal home visits. The midwife provided postnatal assessment and tailor-made advice for mothers in baby care according to their home settings and needs in the visits. I also had a great time to S.hare practices in our own places with local midwife.
Though lots of time and efforts are needed to spend in the program, the rewards I get are much more than expected. It is highly recommend joining in the master program and the overseas visit.”
LEE Yvonne

This unique master program in Midwifery and Obstetrics care not only enhance my knowledge in midwifery care but also broaden my vision in midwifery practice. My passion in midwifery carry on increasing. The course was well organized and covered the most essential topics from normal birth, maternal and infant nutrition, leadership, counseling to advanced technology in obstetrics care. I was impressed by the ultrasound lessons, lessons on hypnobirthing and perineal repairing workshop. Moreover, the speakers from both overseas and local are specialist and they are passionate to teach. They shared lots of treasured experiences that inspired me lots. I have no regrets about studying this master program, although we had hard time to manage the whole week study classes from our working schedule. It’s worth to study this master program.
I had unforgettable memories in the study trip to Australia in May. We had chances to visit different Obstetrics units in Australia, S.hared the experiences in midwifery care and gained greater understanding in their health care system, how they could promote normal birth and the different midwifery practices between Australia and Hong Kong. The midwifery care team in Australia inspired me very much, they support the women and their families well, they play great efforts in promoting normal birth and they pay much attention to the infor med choices for the women. It’s very interesting to join their team to the home visits. Although it is optional to join this study trip, I still highly recommended you to join.
This master program is great beyond my expectations. You can get more than you expect. Don’t miss the chance.
Ng Shuk Wai

Studying in this master course reboot my enthusiasm in midwifery. It covers both high touching topics such as normal birth and lactation, and high technology topics such as ultrasound and artificial reproductive technology. Most of the speakers are the expertise in their own area. They do not only deliver the knowledge but also stimulate our thinking to revisit our own current midwifery practice. They can demonstrate how to provide evidence based practice in enhancing the quality of service for both mothers and their families. They do not just ‘talk’ about the theory but S.hare their day to day experience with us. for me. It is like a dream in attending the lectures. But the dream can come true with efforts in making the changes.
Ho Wing Ming, Rebecca

It is quite a difficult decision to enroll in this master course. I am longing for a master course that can broaden my knowledge on midwifery. I heard about this course from my colleague which meet my expectation, but it is also quite demanding that requires us to have lessons on 2 nights +/- 1 full day per week. I need to take care of 2 young children, and have voluntary work which cannot give up. “Can I handle it? Is it worth?” I am asking myself. It is worth, the course is taught by experience doctors, midwifes and professional speakers. Overseas guest speakers, which are leader of that topic, were invited to S.hare experience and up-to-date information and researches to us. It widens my vision on global midwifery.
The optional oversea visit in Sydney really inspires me. The way they work, the respect they have from the pregnant women and the teaching facilities in the university. The most memorable experience is home visit from the midwifery team, they need to have good driving skills and assessment technique. I may not get this kind of experience if I did not take this course.
Don’t make excuse, if you want to learn more about midwifery, take the course. I can make it, and you can also make it.
2018 – 2020

Yim Pui Pi-ng, Bonnie

This is a fruitful course. The contents of the course are well designed. The lecturers, both local and overseas are well experienced. It is valuable in learning from their experience. This broadens my horizon about midwifery over the world. This aids me to think about rooms for improvement in current practice.
The knowledge was delivered in various ways to support theory, for example, practicum for the USG, statistics classes, interview practice and wound repair workshop were arranged. A sharing from a client who experienced stillbirth and the interactive environment during counseling promote learning and understanding.
The most impressive experience was the overseas study trip in England. The trip was well organized, and the chance to witness water birth was incredible. Overall, it is a well organized, fruitful, valuable course. My knowledge has been much enriched. I would highly recommend others to the course.
Chan Hiu Yin, Fion

Learning in times of adversity is what I have been feeling especially during the second te of my master course. With the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement and the coronavirus, I still managed to overcome them one by one. The harder life gets, the tougher I am.
I had not been studying for a while before. However, I was very attracted by the topics introduced in this course, including noal birth, maternal and infant nutrition, clinical leadership, grief counselling, IVF, research and obstetric ultrasound. These topics are very practical. For example, encountering counselling cases, grief counselling course acquaints me with the grieving process and explain how to support someone going through it, also exploring the various types of bereavement advising the specifics of how to help in each situation.
Notably, I see the overseas UK clinical placement an important, precious and unforget benchmark in the course of my life. I witnessed the power of continual care provided by One to One Midwives in the UK, who are a group of experienced and highly motivated midwives dedicated to providing midwifery care which places women and their families at its core. This unique care, with its cornerstone being the pregnant women and their families, is worth our attention and further studying in order to convey the essence of such service to the Hong Kong midwives in the next generation.
In addition, we also went to Matilda for the clinical leadership clinical attachment. This gave us an opportunity to follow Ms. Sing, a nurse leader, for a day and understand what it takes to succeed in the leader’s field.
In summary, this master program has given us fruitful experience. The more effort you make, the more you can take from it. Sign up for the program before you regret!
KaKa Hui

The time I enrolled this course was the time I planned to have a “rainbow” baby (a baby after a miscarriage). Most of my friends and colleagues were not agreed with my decision. They told me it was too much and hard for me, asking me to rest more. However, my heart told me “I want to do it! When you are passionate what you are doing, you would enjoy it no matter how hard it is. ”
After 2 years hard and tight schedule, it proved my thought and I had my lovely baby girl.
I am really appreciated and treasured every moment I spent in the course as it is inspiring and practical, providing me a deeper understanding of my professional development. It stood out from the courses I found in other countries because most of the modules are attractive and up-to-date such as Maternal and Infant Nutrition, Noal birth, overseas hospital visit, Hypnotherapy, Grief in Pregnancy, etc. It just likes instilling a different angle into my noal practices. The lecturers are passionate to their expertise and shared individual views and knowledges to us.
Other than the courses, I met friends from different hospitals and we shared the same views and heart to improve the existing practices. We learnt how and what should be done to introduce an evidence-based practices in our clinical area together. We also shared our experiences and gave advises to each other. It is grateful to meet such good friends.
Despite the fruitful content of the course, the schedule is well-planned and student-friendly. As most of us are having shift working hours, it was difficult to attend all the classes. Online video could help us pick up the learning and making sure we would not miss anything. A big thanks to our programme director Ms Lai and assistance Ms Sio Joey.
Maggie Chan

It has been a big decision in taking up a master course. Regardless of the course fee, I should also consider whether I can devote enough time on the course. As owning at least a master degree is the current trend, and it can broaden my horizon in this field, applicable and beneficial to my career in the long run, there is no excuse not to take this step.
Through taking this course, other than consolidating my knowledge of the theories I was taught and currently practicing, I also gained more in-depth knowledge on advanced midwifery practice and critical care. Besides that, I learned many new ideas which I was not touched before, e.g. Ultrasound, Reproductive medicine, etc. The most valuable thing was the chance of local private hospital visit, overseas exploration program to UK for one-to-one-midwifery practice with sharing session for midwives from all Clust_ers afterwards, the simulation interview of advanced practice nurse… etc.
Moreover, I made new friends from different hospitals. We can share and learn from each hospital practice and cooperate with each other during group project. Now we become good friends and can share daily affairs even completing our course.
This is really a comprehensive course which includes most of the areas that a midwife needs to learn of. It not only provides academic professional knowledge, but also training of teamwork, presentation skill, interview skill, etc… Therefore, I highly recommend this course.
Wendy Lee
Personal feelings on Master of Midwifery course

Taken in Manchester 2019
Two years has passed by quickly, it has been a fruitful and challenging two years for me as it is not easy working and at the same time studying part time. This course has equipped me with all-rounded midwifery knowledge. From nutrition requirements to obstetric ultrasound. Among all courses, I am particularly interested in the course about natural birth taught by professor Soo Downe, it enlightens me to see how I could benefit mothers in my labour ward with the settings and resources in the current department. It also changed my attitude in providing mothers with care that best suits them.
I am also particularly grateful that this course provided me with the opportunity to visit birth centers abroad. The home birth experience is England really amazes me and widen my scope of view, knowing that birth comes in a lot of for ms, and how to appreciate the birthing experience. That was a lifetime experience that I would never forget.
Another topic that benefits me most is the topic about grief in pregnancy. It provides me with specific and unique experience sharing about dealing with grief in pregnancy which is a rare topic to touch on in other courses.
Thankyou Ms Lai for organizing such a meaningful and fruitful course for us. It does not only focus on academic needs but also allow us to gain knowledge from different aspects of care. I will remember what I’ve learnt in the past two years and try my best to fully utilize them in my working area.
Angela Tai

This master program in Midwifery and Obstetrics care is undoubtedly fruitful and meaningful to me, be it personally or at work. I started this course when my newborn baby was only 2 months old. I gained a lot from the first course we had, which was about maternal and infant nutrition. I am glad that I had this course timely so that I could have a better early life nutrition for my baby. Besides that, this master program covers a large variety of areas in midwifery, including ultrasound, leadership, communications like grief counselling, lactation and complementary therapies like hypnobirthing. This broadened my horizon and ex-panded my view of the global midwifery practices.
The most impressed experience was the overseas hospital visit in England. We were arranged to visit the One to One midwifery service, which is a community-based continuity care for pregnant women. Care will be provided by a named midwife throughout the whole pregnancy, birth and postnatal period at women’s home. Midwives play an important role in giving professional advice, support and education to the pregnant women and their families. Unlike the clinic or hospital setting with lots of advanced technological support, midwives have nothing to rely on while doing home visits, but just with the simplest tool and their highly sensitive hands. I am impressed and surprised by the way midwives treat pregnant women with their midwifery wisdom during a home visit. This is a good chance to learn the enhanced level of professional care.
It is an inspiring midwifery course and it is much more than what you expected. Take the chance to explore in the midwifery world!