Fetal Medicine

Established in 1996, the Fetal Medicine Unit of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of CUHK is currently the largest fetal medicine centre in Hong Kong. It is accredited by both the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists as a subspecialty training centre. Besides local trainees, it also attracts many doctors and scientists from Mainland China and abroad to train here.
Fetoscopic laser treatment for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome
Array Comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) for prenatal diagnosis of microdeletion / duplication syndromes in 2009
Fetal pleurodesis using OK432 for pleural effusion
Cervical ring pessary for prevention of preterm delivery
SafeT21 non-invasive DNA testing for common fetal trisomies (in collaboration with the Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK)
First trimester combined screening in Down syndrome
Fetoscopic endotracheal occlusion (FETO) for diaphragmatic hernia Maternal carrier screening of Fragile X disease
Expanded Newborn screening for Inborn error of metabolism (in collaboration with the Department of Paediatrics and the Department of Chemical Pathology, CUHK) screening of Fragile X disease
BAC-on-beads (BoBs) for rapid prenatal diagnosis of common trisomies and 9 microdeletion syndromes
Pre-implantation genetic screening
FetalSeq for identifying microdeletion/duplication syndromes
ChromoSeq for detecting microdeletion/duplication syndromes, balanced translocations/inversions/insertions, and uniparental disomy (or suspected parental consanguinity)
The team also co-organises various professional training courses with international organisations, including The Fetal Medicine Centre and the International Academy of Medical Ultrasound. Our latest development is a one-stop clinic for prenatal screening for Down syndrome and a laser therapy for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome.