Overall Curriculum

To qualify for conferment of MSc in Reproductive Medicine and Clinical Embryology, students must complete 30 units from the list core courses of the programme over the course two years in part-time mode.
Year 1
RMCE5001 Basic Clinical Embryology

The aim of this module is to provide basic knowledge in human embryology from fertilization to birth. It includes:
1. The mammalian reproductive system
2. Gametogenesis
3. Fertilisation and Early embryogenesis
4. Embryonic Development of special systems
5. Congenital malformations
RMCE5002 Advanced Clinical Embryology

This course allows students to gain a highly advanced theoretical and practical understanding of human embryology. It helps students to master the applications of clinical embryology. It provides a comprehensive overview of every aspect of the ART laboratory, including the set-up and running of the laboratory, specific procedures, and quality control, to ensure the highest possible success rates in an IVF programme.
RMCE5003 Andrology

This course is set to deliver the essential knowledge for healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of the infertile male patients, to provide training assessing the parameters of male reproductive system, and assist professionals in identifying strategies for the treatment of male infertility. The course includes:
- Physiology and pathophysiology of male reproductive system
- Evaluation of key factors in male infertility
- Basic and advanced testing of reproductive function
- Surgical and nonsurgical treatments for male infertility
- Strategies for male fertility preservation
RMCE5004 Clinical Issues and Controversies in ART

This course reviews and discusses the latest issues, opinions and controversies in the ART field (both clinical and laboratorical).
The issues, opinions and controversies covered are:
- ART diagnosis
- ART treatments
- ART technologies
- Latest guidelines and opinions in ART
- Latest regulations and laws in ART
- Latest ethical issues concerning ART
RMCE5006 IVF Equipment: Selection, Application and Maintenance

The course introduces students to selecting the suitable equipment (including microscopes and micromanipulation systems, incubators, CASA and vitrification systems) according to the needs of their laboratories, the maintenance and related regulations. Hands-on workshops will take place in class.
RMCE5008 Genetics in Reproductive Medicine
Reproductive genetics is a flourishing discipline of ART practice. ART centres utilise genetic information daily when couples undergo ethnicity screening, when donors are screened and chosen for recipient couples, to determine the cause of infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss, and when utilizing preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). However, the applications of genetic information and genetic testing are often limited due to the lack of knowledge of medical practitioners in ART practice.

This course serves to teach students comprehensive knowledge in genetics to narrow the education gap so that future medical practitioners will be able to apply such genetic information with competence and ultimately improve patient care.
It includes:
1. Basic genetic education and review of real time applications.
2. Current knowledge of the genetic causes of infertility
3. The latest research on and testing for infertility treatments and diagnosis
4. Gamete donor and gestational carrier screening
5. PGD in clinical application
6. Information on PGS
7. Technology and its applications
RMCE5009 Reproductive Medicine & Assisted Reproductive Technology- Overview part

This course allows students to gain an overall picture of ART, including the basic concepts, definitions, clinical procedures, lab procedures, as well as the latest knowledge and technology. It includes:
- History of the development of ART
- Components of ART team
- Basic procedures and responsibility of each ART components
- Communication between each components
- Definition and diagnosis of infertility
- Treatment strategies for infertility
- Patient support and counselling
Year 2
RMCE5010 Reproductive Medicine & Assisted Reproductive Technology- Clinical part

This course allows students to gain in-depth knowledge in modern ART treatments, complex infertility issues, as well as current management strategies for infertile patients.
It includes:
- Investigation in infertility
- Treatment strategies for infertility
- Ovulation induction
- In vitro fertilization in a clinical IVF lab
- Complications of ART (e.g. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome)
- Counselling patients with complex infertility issues
- Patient support
RMCE5011 Cell Biology and Molecular Biology

The aim of this module is to review the basic knowledge of cell biology and molecular biology related to reproductive medicine, as well as the latest relevant knowledge. It includes:
- Cell structure and cell organelles
- Cell physiological properties
- Cell metabolic processes and signaling pathways
- Cell cycles
- Structures and functions of DNA, RNA and proteins
- Processes of replication, transcription and translation
- Techniques of molecular biology
- Interactions between cell and their environment
RMCE5012 IVF Laboratory Management and Communication

The aim of this module is to review
This course serves to provide basic knowledge and skills on IVF laboratory management and the communication both inside and outside of the laboratory.
It includes:
- IVF lab procedure management
- IVF lab quality_control and risk management
- IVF lab troubleshooting
- Communication inside the lab
- Communication outside of the lab
RMCE5013 Research Methodology

This course teaches students to use statistics in carrying out their research projects.
It includes:
- Basic research methodologies
- Basic statistical concepts
- Research process and appreciation of how and why research is generated
RMCE5014 IVF Laboratory Design

This course gives students the opportunity to understand the basic requirements of designing a modern IVF laboratory.
It includes:
- Basic concepts of “clean room”
- Basic requirements of IVF lab designing
- Trends in IVF lab design
RMCE6003 Literature Review

In this course, students will review the literature of a selected topic in reproductive medicine / clinical embryology under the supervision of a teaching staff. Students are required to discuss their progress with their supervisors and complete a written report and a seminar presentation at the end of the course.