
Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology Training
After completion of the training programme, one should have acquired comprehensive knowledge and skill in the subject. He / she should be capable of managing children and adolescents with gynaecological problems and be involved in the organisation of clinical services_, in research, in postgraduate teaching and in this sub-specialized field.
This program involves 2 years of clinical, surgical training and research.
Requirement for training:
1. A trainee must be a medical graduate or
2. A trainee must complete basic O&G training.
At the end of the training, the trainee may apply to the Federation Internationale de Gynecologie Infantile et Junvenile (FIGIJ) (International Federation of Pediatric and Adolsecent Gynecology) to sit for the International Fellowship examination of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Part I (applicant who fulfill requirement 1 above) or both Part I and II (applicant who fulfill requirement 2 above).
For further details, please contact Dr SC Chan and visit the following websites: