The Chinese University of Hong Kong & Prince of Wales Hospital

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

ZHENG Yu Full time Ph.D. (2020-2024)

Research Topic

Impact of genome sequencing and expanded carrier screening on prenatal counseling and pregnancy management


Prof. Leung Tak Yeung and Prof. Choy Kwong Wai Richard

Clinical Implementation of Expanded Carrier Screening in Pregnant Women at Early Gestational Weeks: Shi M, Liauw AL, Tong S, Zheng Y, Leung TY, Chong SC, Cao Y, Lau TK, Choy KW, Chung JPW. A Chinese Cohort Study. Genes (Basel). 2021 Mar 29;12(4):496
Experience of Low-Pass Whole-Genome Sequencing-Based Copy Number Variant Analysis: A Survey of Chinese Tertiary Hospitals Zheng Y, Zhu B, Tan J, Guan Y, The Chinese Genomic Structural Variants Consortium, Morton CC, Lu G Diagnostics 2022 Apr, 12(5), 1098