Foreword from Chairperson

Welcome to the new website of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUOG). I have chosen the theme “rebirth” because it signifies a new beginning and birth plays a very important part of our specialty. As obstetricians we ensure a safe birth for both the mothers and their babies as part of our mission and vocation. For me, as the new Chairperson of CUOG, it marks a new chapter of my academic career and I hope to bring new direction, energy and sincerity to the department.
CUOG is dedicated to providing excellent care to women and their babies. This mission can only be achieved through the provision of high-quality evidence-based care, supported by translational/clinical research, education and advocacy. Our clinicians, nurses and midwives work diligently and collaboratively with our scientists to bring the latest research findings to our clinical practice to improve the healthcare outcomes and experience of both the mothers and their babies.
Here “rebirth’ marks the launch of our new website, from which you will find all the necessary information with regard to the following areas of excellence:
- Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Prenatal Genetics Diagnosis
- Reproductive Medicine
- Gynaecological Oncology
- Urogynaecology
- Gynaecological Endoscopy
- Paediatric Adolescent Gynaecology
In addition to our undergraduate programme MBChB for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CUOG provides a wide range of courses including MSc programmes for medical genetics, reproductive medicine, midwifery as well as our flagship hands-on training course for Obstetrics emergencies (SOPHIE). These programmes are designed to better equip our undergraduates and postgraduates with all the necessary professional knowledge and competencies for the provision of evidence-based care. With regard to advocacy, we are eager to learn the experiences from women with complicated and uncomplicated pregnancy through face-to-face dialogues in workshops and fora. Patient and public involvement is a necessity in healthcare and medical research and lays the foundation for patient-centred care and research projects. Going forward, I have no doubt that CUOG will continue to demonstrate excellence, integrity, respect, inclusiveness and collaboration.