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Undergraduate Year 5 Clinical Module

The 9-Week Paediatric Module

During the 9-week clinical module in paediatrics, students participate in a range of activities in Hospital Settings (ward work and outpatient clinics at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong Children’s Hospital and regional hospitals) and Primary care settings (private paediatrician clinics, Maternal and Child Health Centres, Developmental Paediatrics Clinic, Child Assessment Centres, Hong Chi Pinehill School, Heep Hong or Watchdog Early Education Centre). Lectures will be combined with bedside and tutorial teaching. The final paediatric assessment combines results from continuous assessment, clinical skills assessment, multiple choice examination and OSCE examination.  

Rotation timetable


Students are allocated to one of eight groups that rotate through the Prince of Wales Hospital and two outside hospitals: Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH) + United Christian Hospital (UCH) OR Kwong Wah Hospital (KWH) + Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).

Teaching timetable.png


Lecture: Case-based study

Bedside teaching


Simulation-based teaching

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