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  • Enduring Presence (Out of Stock)

Enduring Presence (Out of Stock)

The Art of Professor Jao Tsung-i in the Collection of the Department of Fine Arts and Art Museum, CUHK

Edited by Harold Mok & Phil Chan

English, Chinese , 2017/03 Art Museum, CUHK

240 x 318 mm , 176pp ISBN : 978-988-19491-0-3

  • US$36.00

Out Of Stock

This bilingual catalogue with full colour illustrations is published in conjunction with the exhibition “Enduring Presence: The Art of Professor Jao Tsung-i in the Collection of the Department of Fine Arts and Art Museum, CUHK”, which features a selection of 45 paintings and calligraphy works of Professor Jao Tsung-i from the Department and the Museum. Most of the works have hitherto been unpublished. It also includes essays written by Prof. Harold Mok and Prof. Tong Kam-tang from the Department. This catalogue serves to showcase the professor’s proficiency in Chinese art and his longstanding ties with the Department and the Museum.

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