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  • 十種記




English, Chinese , 2010/01 Centre of Architectural Research for Education, Elderly, Environment and Excellence Ltd. (CARE)

Tags: Architecture

297 x 210 mm , 68pp ISBN : 978-962-8272-00-6

  • US$13.50

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「十種記」記錄了十個從社區發起的「公眾參與」種子故事,希望透過「公眾參與可持續城市發展:從社區出發」計劃提升市民對「公眾參與」的認知,使規劃及設計過程變得更和諧,讓香港邁向一個可持續發展的城市。 “SEEDS” records 10 public participatory projects initiated by the community. Through “Public Participation in the Sustainable City Development: Starting from the Community” project we hope that by empowering the general public with the knowledge of public participation, the planning and design procedure will be more harmonized which would contribute to the process to move Hong Kong towards a more sustainable city.

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