Imagine if there was a tool that could easily make your website faster. Not only that, but it would save you time and effort when dealing with images.
This way, you can be unaware of all the complexity behind it. You will not have to worry about delivering optimized "next-gen" images, properly adjust the images size and serve them through a CDN...
Well, with ShortPixel tools, you can accomplish all of that and more.
Whether you have just one website or manage hundreds of websites, ShortPixel can help.
No more worries with editors forgetting to resize the 5 MB image they took with their phone. Or other time-consuming processes before uploading the images to your website.
Just add the images and ShortPixel will do the rest.
ShortPixel is not your average image optimization service.
We do not just reduce image quality from 80% to 40% like others do. The result is images that are either under-optimized or over-optimized.
ShortPixel takes a totally different approach.
Our goal is to deliver the original-looking images at the smallest possible size. And to achieve that, we take each image and optimize it multiple times with our proprietary algorithms until we have the perfect, smallest possible image.
While JPEG is still the most popular format, new formats like WebP and AVIF offer better image quality at smaller file sizes. And that means faster websites and therefore better SEO rankings. Who does not want that?!
ShortPixel takes all the complexity away from you and makes everything simple: with just a few clicks you can convert all your JPG/PNG images to WebP/AVIF and make them available to the right browsers.
If your site uses WordPress, the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin gets you up and running in seconds, optimizing all your past images with a push of a button and all your new images automatically.
The ShortPixel Photo Optimizer App lets you optimize the photos in your Android phone Gallery making room for up to 5x more photos.
The ShortPixel Adaptive Images plugin analyzes the pixel size of the image's container and replaces the original image with a version scaled down to the needed size and then optimized, and served from a global CDN.
A significant portion of a website's data usually consists of images. Image optimization refines images, shortens loading times, and reduces the load on network resources, including data usage on mobile data plans.
Image optimization will also boost your SEO performance, as search engines factor in page loading speed when ranking websites. A faster loading page means more page views, a pleasant user experience, and better search rankings.
ShortPixel is an image optimization service that uses advanced compression technology to reduce the image size without affecting the before/after quality, so your pages will load faster.
Images already optimized
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