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This echoes one of Bruce Lee’s famous sayings, “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” The words and deeds of Bruce Lee have had a huge influence on Au’s views on life.

Martial arts plays an important part in Au’s life. Au says a performer needs an audience. As long as there is one audience ember, the performer can continue but if there is no audience, the show cannot go on. But with martial arts, the fighter is in a dialogue with himself. He says he will continue practising martial arts because it gives him the room to constantly improve himself.

In between writing, directing, performing and training, Au says he spends his time pursuing quality living. By this he does not mean pursuing material comforts.  “I treasure the time I spend with my family. I care about how much I enjoy staying at home,” he explains.

During his spare time Au likes to watch films. When he has time, he goes to the cinema, otherwise, he watches DVDs at home. He also enjoys sitting in the theatre, observing and absorbing stories that may one day become his inspiration.

Another favourite pastime is to spend an afternoon on a bench near the sea with his wife and his cat. Au says his cat, Innika likes to sits still on his lap,gazing at the sea while he gently strokes her. This, for Stephen Au – the actor, presenter, director, karate champion, Bruce Lee devotee, and cat lover -is the picture of contentment.

“I am satisfied with my current life. I am living a very pleasant life,” he says, “although I believe there is always room for improvement.”

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