You May Say I’m A Dreamer – Editor’s Note

A career in the entertainment industry has always fascinated many people. Many of them decided to put in determined efforts to...

Fandom – Editor’s Note

Fandom brings people together. The entertainment industry can be a source of strength, happiness and fond memories for many, as fans do stars chasing in cyber world, physical world and golden age of the world.

Stop Tutoring! – Editor’s Note

China bans private tutoring in school curriculum subjects to reduce the burden of excessive schoolwork on kindergarten to 12th grade pupils....

Escaping the Matrix – Editor’s Note

Amid the pandemic, our digital selves have become just as – or perhaps even more – important than our physical selves. With more...

Fitness on the Ropes – Editor’s Note

The Fitness industry has been suffering a sharp slump in business due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Gym centres were...

Fitness Classes Going Online

Coaches face difficulties conducting online fitness classes during the pandemic. By Leung Pak Hei Lee Yuk-shan...

Planes in Quarantine – Editor’s Note

The global aviation industry has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Airlines were expected to suffer a roughly 60 per cent plunge...

City of Silence – Editor’s Note

With the introduction of the national security law this year, fear is in the air in Hong Kong.   

Fight Against Pandemic – Editor’s Note

Photo courtesy of South China Morning Post (SCMP) Since the first identified case of coronavirus in Wuhan,...

Pandemic Pushes Chronically ill Patients to Back of Queue

Chronic disease patients in Wuhan faced severe difficulty receiving treatment when the city was sealed off due to the coronavirus epidemic. Volunteers lent them a helping hand.