Conference on the History of the Hong Kong Catholic Church in the 20th Century
Co-organized by Centre for Catholic Studies of CUHK, Kung Kao Po and Hong Kong Catholic Diocesan Archives
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* The conference was conducted in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.
August 4, 2020:Evangelization History
Session One|Replay Video (in Cantonese)
- 香港六位神父的傳教故事
鍾炳基先生 - 首八位顯主會修女的傳教經歷
- 粉嶺聖若瑟堂的本地化
- 從元朗金錢圍看傳教重心轉移
Session Two|Replay Video
- Threefold Evangelization Methods of PIME Missionaries
Fr. Gianni Criveller
- Works of Maryknollers in Four Refugee Areas in the 1950s and 1960s
Fr. Peter Barry
- Inculturation of Church Music in Hong Kong
M° Aurelio Porfiri
- Church Foundation Built by Bishop Francis Hsu Cheng-pin (1969-1973)
Sr. Beatrice K.F. Leung
August 5, 2020:Organizations and Communities in the Church
Session One|Replay Video (in Cantonese & English)
- 香港教區聖召培育概略
馮勝利先生 - 一位華工眼中的華南總修院
彭家維博士 - 天主仁慈婢女俗世會
黃惠蘭女士 - Two Medical Workers of the Columban Sisters
Dr. Joyce Chang Sau Han(陳秀嫻博士)
Session Two|Replay Video
- 50th Anniversary of the Focolare Movement in Hong Kong
Ms. Theresa Kung and Mr. Steven Pong - Migrants are Called to Mission!
Fr. Jay Francis Flandez - Mission Aspect of Pastoral Services to Migrant Workers
Fr. Agustinus Guntoro
August 6, 2020:Church and the Society
Session One|Replay Video (in Cantonese)
- 香港天主教大專聯會與社會運動
林榮鈞博士、陳樂信先生 - 圖閣藏珍:港大利瑪竇宿舍圖書館歷史初探
梁迭起先生 - 邁向香港天主教會的本地化
鄭生來神父 - 天主教在香港和中國真正扎根?
Session Two|Replay Video (in Mandarin & English)
- 1930年代的香港天主教中文報紙與雜誌
張傳聖先生 - Catholic Newspapers in Hong Kong: Its Development and Social Involvement
Dr. Anthony S.K. Lam - Innovative Sacramental Ministry in Hostile Environments: the Siege of Hong Kong December 8th-25th, 1941 and the Covid 19
Dr. Vicky Lee - Pastoral Approach to the Federation of Catholic Students in a Time of Theological Change
Mr. John Clancey
August 7, 2020:Services of the Church
Session One|Replay Video (in Cantonese)
- 從《工商日報》報導探討寶血醫院的服務
柴宇瀚博士 - 明愛社區教育服務的沿革
馮國安博士、熊志忠先生 - 服務工青及明愛的力理得神父
Session Two|Replay Video
- Monsignor Charles Herman Vath, Founder of Caritas Hong Kong
Dr. Joyce Chang Sau Han - Missionary Work of Canossian Sr. Bertilla Masolo in Nursing Education
Dr. Mui Hing June Mak - Jesuit Education in 20th Century Hong Kong
Dr. John K. Tan - Concluding Panel
Media Report:Kung Kao Po