Jin Sun has been appointed as an Assistant Professor of Department of Sociology starting from January 2023. His research received funding from Stanton Foundation, the European Research Council (ERC), and the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS). His articles with collaborators have been published by the American Journal of Sociology, Global Governance, and other peer-reviewed journals. He was honored with the International Geneva Award in 2020. He also contributed chapters to books at Edwards Elgar Publishing and Cambridge University Press. His research focuses on transnational and global sociology, comparative-historical sociology, and the sociology of law and global governance with regard to global sanctions, financial capitalism, climate change, global environmental law, global digital rules, global health law, multinational financial institutions, and neoliberal globalization, using a mix of methods including the fieldwork, interview, ethnography, participant observation, and data analysis. He passed the Chinese bar in Beijing and Directed Studies at the Hague Academy of International Law. He obtained master’s and Ph.D. degrees, respectively, from Harvard University and the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
- Transnational and global sociology
- Comparative-historical sociology
- The sociology of law and global governance
- SOCI 3452 Selected Topics in Sociology II: Introduction to Global Sociology