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Summer Institute (SI)


What do past participants say? 

  • SI enables you to gain a new perspective in the university’s undergraduate study.
  • At SI, I was able to immerse myself in university at CUHK. It was amazing!
  • I learned a lot and met many new friends at SI. I enjoyed the courses very much and they definitely stimulated my interest and motivation in learning.
  • SI was such a wonderful experience! I would recommended it to anyone who is looking to experience university life in Hong Kong. CUHK is the best!
  • 對於中大的生活有進一步認知,體驗到大學的課程,同時可以認識到更多新朋友,獲益良多!
  • 來到這個夏令營,我交了許多朋友,增加了對中大的認識,逐漸建立了對中大的歸屬感。選擇的課程和課後活動也學到了很多知識,對我所感興趣的課程確立了目標,在以後的日子為之奮鬥!