MGNT3580 Global Enterprise Management

Course MGNT3580 Global Enterprise Management
Class Time Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 09:30 – 12:15
Teacher Professor Tatiana KOSTOVA
Course Description One of the important trends of modern business is globalization. Organizations, particularly multinational corporations, are continuously expanding across national borders. This course focuses on multinational corporations as a context in which issues in managing the globalization of an organization are examined. This course covers both the macro and the micro aspect of global business management. The macro aspect involves the considerations of the various contexts of the host nation, including the legal, economic and cultural. The micro aspect involves the internal operating environment of the organization, including organizational culture and structure, staffing and training needs, and dealing with business partners across national borders. Regional examples will be emphasized.
Course Description TBC


Professor Tatiana KOSTOVA is a Carolina Distinguished Professor, the Buck Mickel Endowed Chair and a professor of international business at the Moore School, the University of South Carolina. She received her an MS in Cybernetics from Kiev State University, Ukraine, and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota, USA. She has been a Visiting Professor at a number of universities around the world including WU, Vienna, Austria, Tec de Monterrey, EGADE, Mexico, CUHK, Hong Kong, and others, and was also a Fulbright Professor at University of California, Los Angeles and WU, Vienna. She has received many teaching awards including two CEMS “Best Course” awards in Europe. Her research areas include international management, global strategy, and organization theory.