Architecture Explorer Programme

Programme Architecture Explorer Programme  










CUHK Organising Unit School of Architecture
Host Institution / Organisation
Programme Overview Explore how to see, make and experience architecture.


This summer programme aims to enable secondary school students from Hong Kong and abroad to understand first-hand the joys and challenges of studying architecture. It provides an opportunity for enrolled students to unleash their creative potential through art, design and architecture.

During the programme, students will learn to see the significance of architecture through lectures offered by professors from the School of Architecture, and explore the fun of design making by transforming a concept into three-dimensional spaces, using both hand tools and computing software. Students will also experience architecture through guided field trips to significant buildings and professional architectural offices.

Over the course of the programme, enrolled students will be tutored to develop their individual design projects. Periodic “design reviews” are also scheduled for students to present their work and receive advice from faculty members and design professionals.

The combination of studio learning, workshops, lectures and field trips presents a unique introduction to different aspects of architectural practice today.

Programme Period 18 Jul – 30 Jul 2022
Location(s) Hong Kong
Programme Nature
  • Academic Studies
  • Training / Workshop
Target Students
  • Hong Kong students
Level of Study Requirement
  • Secondary school
  • Senior secondary school students aged 16 years or above
  • No prior art and design experience required
Type of Programme Non credit-bearing programme
Programme Fee HKD 14,500
Accommodation No
Application Period 13 Jun – 8 Jul 2022
Application Details Please refer to programme website
Programme Website