BCME1105 Introduction to Chinese Medicine









Course Code BCME1105  
Course Title Introduction to Chinese Medicine


Class Date 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25 July 2023

(26 July 2023 is reserved for class make-up in case there is any cancellation of classes due to bad weather or other unexpected factors.)

Class Time
9:00am – 11:30am
Class Location TBC
Teacher Dr. Sarah CHAN

Senior Lecturer

School of Chinese Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

More about the School of Chinese Medicine, CUHK:

  1. 香港中文大學中醫學院簡介
  2. 中醫學學士學位課程校友分享
Medium of Instruction Cantonese


Course Description This course provides students a general understanding of the medical philosophy of Chinese Medicine (CM) and also the health preservation and disease healing concepts. Several CM related topics such as acupuncture, massage therapy, CM diagnostic methods and herbal medicines will be included. Apart from regular lectures, students would have chances to practice various basic techniques and interact with lecturers through different activities. This module is delivered in Cantonese.
Course Content
  1. Basic Concepts in TCM 陰陽與臟腑
  2. Diagnostic Methods of TCM 望聞問切
  3. Herbs and formulations 中藥與方劑
  4. Tutorial 1 望診及中藥導修課
  5. Acupuncture and bone setting 針灸與骨傷
  6. Tutorial 2 針灸與骨傷導修課
Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, these students should be able to

  1. Familiarize with the principles and glossaries of Chinese Medicine that are applicable to daily lives;
  2. Experience the hands-on clinical skills of Chinese Medicine including diagnostics, herbal agents, acupuncture and manipulative therapy, and understand the skill standard of a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

  1. 對中醫的原理和術語有初步的認知,並能聯系日常生活應用之中。
  2. 體驗中醫四診、中藥、針灸、推拿,了解中醫師日常的工作要求。
Recommended Reading(s) / Reference(s)
  1. 《中醫入門》, 秦伯未著, 人民衛生出版社, 2006
  2. 《中醫臟腑槪說》, 梁頌名等, 香港中文大學出版社, 1999
  3. 神農氏(資訊站) http://shen-nong.com
Course Assessment Assignment (worksheet or MC and short questions) (4×25%)
  Last updated on 27 February 2023