汪小烜是近代中國社會歷史學家,他的工作結合了檔案研究和民族志研究。他對中國與西方的現代相遇以及隨之而來的改革和革命如何改變了普通中國人的生活、行動、組織和與國家互動的方式的問題有著廣泛的興趣。他的第一本書《毛主義與基層宗教:共產主義革命與中國宗教生活的重塑》由牛津大學出版社於 2020 年出版,講述了當地社區遭遇共產主義革命的故事及其後果,特別是競爭和宗教財產和儀式空間的鬥爭。他正在開展一個研究當代中國城市轉向和宗教未來的項目。他的另一個項目探索了二十世紀之交以來歐洲華人社區和網絡的形成及其與中國政府的錯綜複雜的關係,重點關注浙江南部血統的人。
Research Interests:
- modern and late imperial China
- history of the People’s Republic of China
- Chinese emigration and diaspora
- Chinese religions
Representative Publications
Books and Edited Volumes
2020 | Wang, Xiaoxuan. Maoism and Grassroots Religion: The Communist Revolution and the Reinvention of Religious Life in China. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. |
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
2021 | Wang, Xiaoxuan. “Standardization, Bureaucratization and Convergence: The Transformation of Governance of Religion in Urbanizing China.” The Journal of Asian Studies 80, no. 3 (August 2021): 611-629. |
2018 | Wang, Xiaoxuan. “‘Folk Belief,’ Cultural Turn of Secular Governance and Shifting Religious Landscape in Contemporary China.” in A Secular Age in South, East, and Southeast Asia, edited by Peter van der Veer and Kenneth Dean, 137-164. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. |
2016 | Wang, Xiaoxuan. “Christianity and Religious Syncretism in Early Twentieth Century China.” Cultural Diversity in China 2, no. 2 (2017): 195-210. |
2015 | Wang, Xiaoxuan. “The Dilemma of Implementation: State and Religion in the People’s Republic of China, 1949-1990.” In Maoism at the Grassroots: Everyday Life in China’s Era of High Socialism, edited by Jeremy Brown and Matthew Johnson, 259-278. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. |
2004 | Wang Xiaoxuan. “走馬樓吳簡戶籍初論.” In 吳簡研究(第一輯), edited by Luo Xin, 143-159. 武漢:崇文書局, 2004. |
2001 | Wang Xiaoxuan. “ 吳簡所見“腫足”解”. 歷史研究 4 (2001): 174-176. |
2001 | Wang Xiaoxuan. “新出漢魏南北朝墓志目錄: 1990-1999”. 魏晉南北朝隋唐史資料 18 (2001): 199-217. |
2016 | Wang Xiaoxuan. “異鄉, 故鄉, 僑鄉: 流動的溫州社會–一個歷史的考察” . In 講藝集:瑞安中學一百二十周年校慶紀念論文集, 1-20. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2016. |
Current Research Projects
Making Religion Urban: Planning and Secularism in China |
Chinese Peasant into Global Citizen: The Formation of Transcontinental Zhejiangnese Communities, 1876-2000 |