Physical Education Unit - PEU Activities

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MyCUsports is an All-in-one sports app for CUHK members.

Easy access of information of CUHK PE courses and sports activities.

Collection of large variety of exercise to create your own home workout.

Tracking your outdoor walking/running and challenge yourself.



• Easy access to PEU info;

• Exercise library has more than 150 Demo videos for creating personalized home workout;

• CU trails to keep track of outdoor walking/running including distance, duration and calories burnt;

• Stay active by joining regular challenge and Ranking among CUHK members

CUHK Virtual Run/Walk:

      1. Details (Click Here


Sports Club:

      1. Details (Click Here


Fitness Buddy at CUHK:

        1. Details(Click Here



            1. 各書院院隊成員可得 4分
            2. 上學期項目包括: 田徑, 游泳, 足球, 排球及籃球
            3. 下學期項目包括: 羽毛球, 乒乓球, 網球, 划艇
            4. 各書院院隊選拔及練習時間詳情 (請按這裡)



            1. 凡參與公開賽者可得 4分
            2. 上學期項目包括: 壁球公開賽, 羽毛球公開賽, 網球公開賽及乒乓球公開賽
            3. 下學期項目包括: 五人手球公開賽, 七人足球公開賽, 三人籃球公開賽
            4. 各中大公開賽詳情 (請按這裡)



          1. 凡中大運動代表隊成員可得 8分
          2. 各校隊選拔及練習時間表詳情 (請按這裡