Physical Education Unit - Mr. YUEN Pak-yan

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Address:  Physical Education Unit, University Sports Centre,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T., HONG KONG 
Tel:  (852) 3943 6986
Fax:  (852) 2603 5275

Assistant Director

BPE, MS (Springfield), Certificate of proficiency (Award of Merit) of The Royal Life Saving Society, American College of Sports Medicine Health/Fitness Instructor Certificate. Previous positions: secondary school PE teacher, member of Working Groups (Physical Fitness Section) for Supporting Materials of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination Physical Education Syllabus (Curriculum Development Council) and Hong Kong Sports Institute HKCAP Course Tutor. Present posts: Lecturer and examiner of Physical Fitness Instructor Courses and Executive Committee member in Hong Kong Physical Fitness Association, Advisor of Physical Fitness Instructors' Union, Convenor of Required and Elective P.E. Programmes of P.E. Unit, College Co-ordinator of Chung Chi College & CU Men's Swimming Team Coach, Chung Chi College Men's and Women's Swimming and Table Tennis Team Coach. Teaches Physical Education required and elective courses.

Being a coach of the CUHK Swimming Team, introducing the updated swimming technique and training method to the swimmers is the basic task. Therefore, all the swimmers in the team are expected to improve their swimming performance in accordance with their pre-set goal each year through the systematic training in swimming and physical fitness so that they can achieve their recent best time in their events during the university years. Besides, all the swimmers are expected to be well trained in discipline and sportsmanship. Furthermore, high co-operation, encouragement and concern among the teammates are expected as well so that the CUHK Swimming Team can achieve her best result in all the competitions and become a continuous improving and high team spirit CUHK Swimming Team.