Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) Scheme  

The Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) Scheme is launched to nurture elite student-athletes who have an exceptional record of athletic achievements, who aspire to maintaining a dual career in both professional sportsmanship, as well as in undergraduate studies leading to future specific career paths upon retirement from active sports.

Student-Athletes at CUHK

With its beautiful campus overlooking the Tolo Harbour, CUHK provides the ideal training ground for athletes in a variety of sports. The University has launched a Sports Scholarship Scheme since 2001, supporting student-athletes in their sports and academic development, and helping them reach new heights in their dual life goals.

The latest achievements of our student-athletes include

- 2018 Asian Games: CUHK students and alumni achieved 1 Gold, 8 Silver and 8 Bronze. 3 Alumni were coaches at the Games

- 14th National Games in 2021: 5 CUHK students and 8 alumni participate

The University provides an extensive variety of sports facilities, including two sports fields, five gymnasia, a 50-metre standard swimming pool, twelve tennis courts, six squash courts, eleven fitness rooms and a Water Sports Centre.

Support for student-athletes include personal academic advising, college system (on campus accommodation/ support from peers and teachers), easy access to HKSI for training, credit unit system with built-in flexibility for progression.

Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) Scheme  

The Student-athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) Scheme is launched for admission in 2023/24. SALSA aims at facilitating admission of student-athletes to the University based on their sports talents, enhancing comprehensive support for these students as they pursue their dual careers as an athlete and as an undergraduate.

Direct Admission 

Under SALSA, University will provide direct admission opportunities to student-athletes based on their sports talents and achievements and not academic achievements.

Academic Support

Upon admission, a personal academic advisor will be assigned to provide personalised support to the student-athlete, supporting academic progression, timetabling, and liaison with academic and administrative units. Student-athletes can stay focused on achieving their performance goals in sports and academic development.

Highly Flexible & Extended Duration of Study

The maximum duration of study of student-athletes can be extended (up to 12 years for a 4-year programme). Student-athletes can choose to focus on sports when they are first admitted, starting their study programme later, or can take a lighter study load while they undergo sports training concurrently, or suspend their studies while they attend training or competitions overseas.

Career Development

By engaging its industrial connections and alumni network, CUHK will create opportunities for practicum and internship training to enhance the development of future specific career paths of student-athletes upon retirement from active sports. A tailored programme will be launched that integrates academic studies with practicum/internship, traineeship, career guidance, job preparation, and potential fast-track recruitment.

Full Suite of Student Services

Elite athletes are eligible for all standard student benefits, including participation in student exchange programmes, enrolment in academic minor programmes, etc. 


Student-athletes admitted via SALSA may receive scholarships of up to HK$80,000 per annum under the Sports Scholarship Scheme.


The applicant must –

(1) be eligible to represent Hong Kong in competitions that are sanctioned by the respective international federation either before or at the time of the deadline for applications; and

(2) satisfy at least one of the following criteria (and with good performance in interview):
i) be nominated by Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI); or
ii) be a senior current elite athlete of a recognised National Sports Association (NSA) and has achieved Elite Vote (EV) Point 3 or above according to the EV Level of Elite Athletes. Results of junior championships will not be considered.

Self-nominated student-athletes are also eligible to apply if both criteria (1) and (2) ii) above are met. Retired athletes are also eligible to apply. 

Please read this document for more details on eligibility and Elite Vote Level of Elite Athletes.


Student-athletes who are eligible for the SALSA Scheme may submit an initial application here, indicating their interest in up to 3 programme choices.

The Physical Education Unit of the University will contact eligible student-athletes who have submitted a complete initial application to provide counselling and advice on application and programme selection.

Please click here for a list of CUHK undergraduate programmes participating in the SALSA Scheme for 2023 Entry.

Prospective applicants whose initial applications have been reviewed and who are eligible for the SALSA Scheme will be invited to submit a formal application.

Programmes may schedule interviews with eligible student-athletes.

Successful applicants will receive admission offers from programme(s) on a rolling basis.  

Important Dates

5 Oct 2022

Application Opens

5 Jan 2023

Deadline for submission of initial application (submit here)

Feb 2023

Eligible student-athletes will be invited to submit a formal application

Mid-Feb 2023

Deadline for submission of formal application (by invitation)

From end of Apr-Aug 2023

Notifications to successful applicants


The Student-Athlete Learning Support and Admission (SALSA) Scheme is launched to nurture elite student-athletes with an exceptional record of athletic achievements who aspire to maintaining a dual career in both professional sportsmanship, as well as in undergraduate studies leading to future specific career paths upon retirement from active sports.

Applications will be reviewed based on achievements in sports, with full holistic consideration given to study interests and career plans. Admitted student-athletes will enjoy full-fledged personalized guidance that supports them to excel at both sports and studies, enabled by an established network of sports, academic and career professionals, including a personal advisor and learning professionals at the University, departments and colleges.

Student-athletes participate in an extended normative study period (of up to 12 years for 4-year programme) where competing priorities in sports training, competitions and studies can be integrated seamlessly to enable focused success along their journey.

The excellent learning environment and unique college system at CUHK creates a holistic experience for all-rounded growth of student-athletes, who will fully immerse in CUHK’s learning community, enjoy all standard student benefits, and thrive in personalized pathways that integrate study interests and career aspirations. 

Eligible student-athletes should submit an initial application by 5 Jan 2023.

For more details, please refer to Important Dates

Please read this document for more details on Eligibility and Elite Vote Level of Elite Athletes.

Please click here for a list of CUHK undergraduate programmes participating in the SALSA Scheme for 2023 Entry.


Still have questions? Contact us right now!

Telephone: (852) 3943 1520 / 3943 6004
Fax : (852) 2603 5184

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