Physical Education Unit - University Events
    1. i-Fun Day

      Co-organised by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), Indonesian Student Association (PEMICU), Central Asian Association (CAA) and Malaysian Students’ Association (MSA), i-Fun Day is a creative and fun-filled sports event which aims to facilitate the interactions among local and non-local students through sports and to promote a balanced campus life.

      Event Details:

        • Date: 25th February 2023 (Saturday)
        • Time: 1:30-5:00p.m.
        • Venue: New Asia Gymnasium (NA Gym)>
        • Prizes: Individual awards & trophies for the overall winning teams>
        • Bonus: Students will be rewarded with extracurricular participation marks (4 marks) in required and/ or elective P.E. course upon the completion of activity
        • Eligibility: All full-time CUHK students*
        • Events: 3x3 Basketball, Six-legged Race, Pillow Fight, Benteng Bentengan
        • More details:  Detailed rules and regulations of each game will be sent to successful applicant later.
        • Registraion Link: 
        • Registraion Deadline: 22 Feb 2023 (Wed) 
        • Enquiry: 

      Limited quotas. Register NOW!

      *Applicants are required to form teams to enroll. Individual application is not accepted. For non-local students, please indicate your affiliated association. Eligible non-local associations can be found here. For students who are not affiliated with any of the above association, please provide your team name when you enroll.


    2. Walking Campaign 2023: Diamond Jubilee Walk

      Walking Campaign 2023 will be held on 21 March (Tuesday morning) this year. It aims at promoting the benefits of walking and encouraging a healthy low-carbon lifestyle.

      The opening ceremony will be held at the Entrance Piazza. Walking through a 40-minute route to the Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall, participants could enjoy the beautiful scenery of the campus.

      Students who are studying required or elective physical education programmes will be rewarded with extracurricular participation marks (4 marks) upon the completion of activity.

      Details of the event are as follows:

      • Date: 21 March 2023 
      • Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon (Registration time: 8:45 am - 9:30 am. Late Registration will not be accepted.)
      • Venue for Registration: Entrance Piazza
      • Registration Period: 13 February 2023 (Monday) (10:00 am) - 24 February 2023 (Friday) (5:00 pm)
      • Registraion Link: 

        (Limited quota.  First come, first serve. Successful applicants will receive notification by email. On-site registration is not accepted.)

      • For enquiries, please contact Health Education Unit at 3943 0378/3943 9237 or via email:


    3. CUHK Walk for Green

      • Date: 1st & 2nd Semesters, 2022-2023
      • Venue: CU Campus
      • Participation: To participate, staff and students should tap their CU Link at the card readers installed at both the start and endpoints (and also at an intermediate card reader for the route between the Chung Chi College area and Lee Woo Sing College). Name, staff/student ID, unit/department, date, time and card readers tapped will be recorded. Points will be awarded as shown in the table (refer to 'Walking Trail'). Student will be awarded 4 participation marks in required and/ or elective P.E. course upon obtaining 40 points.  Please click here for details.
      • Valid period: 9/1/2023 - 22/4/2023