Physical Education Unit - Preventive and Safety Measures for Using Sports Facilities

Preventive and Safety Measures for Using Sports Facilities:

In view of the latest update under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F), starting from 19 May 2022 (Thursday), the following measures will be arranged until further notice:

1. Body temperature screening will be arranged at the entrance. Users should have the body temperature screening before entering sports facilities;

2. In accordance with the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap. 599L) and relevant requirements of administrative instructions, all persons entering sport premises are required to scan “LeaveHomeSafe” and “Vaccine Pass” / medical exemption certificate QR code;

3. Users do not need to wear mask when having sports activities. However, wearing mask is still required when entering sports premises and before/after exercises (except during showering);

4. Each badminton court / tennis court / table tennis table is available for a maximum of 4 players. Each squash court is available for a maximum of 2 players. The spectator stand will be closed;

5. To comply with the Government’s group gathering requirement, each group of users must consist of no more than 8 persons (except for coaches/staff) with a distance of at least 1.5 meters between groups;

6. For team sports, the maximum number of players and referees to be allowed in each playing field/court at any time during competition or a training match should follow the rules and regulations of the respective sports competition;

7. Shower cubicles or shower heads at the changing rooms of sports facilities will be opened alternately to ensure the social distancing of at least 1.5 meters between users;

8. To avoid group gathering, the maximum number of users using the fitness room are as follows:

Fitness Room  Maximum No. of Users (same session)
University Fitness Room 26
United College Fitness Room 8
New Asia College Fitness Room 8
Shaw College Fitness Room 12


9. The usage of fitness room will be in hourly session. Users should wait at the entrance of the fitness room when the maximum number of users for that session has been reached. All users should leave the fitness room when the session ended for the next users. If users want to use the fitness room continuously, they must re-register at the entrance.

10. All users must present their CU Link Card / alumni identification together with the fitness room user permit issued by PE Unit before entering the fitness room. Body temperature screening will be arranged at the entrance of fitness rooms. “LeaveHomeSafe” and “Vaccine Pass” / medical exemption certificate QR code should be scanned with smart phone before entering fitness room;

11. In addition to the above measures, users must observe the regulation for usage of sports facilities and regulation of using fitness room.

Physical Education Unit

11 Oct 2022