香港中文大學男子足球隊與南華足球球隊於2017年3月27日在崇基學院嶺南運動場進行友誼賽, 結果南華勝4比1。賽後雙方職球員合照及交換紀念品,主禮嘉賓是中大理學院院長暨教職員足球會會長黃乃正教授及南華足球隊領隊張廣勇博士。
A soccer friendly match between CUHK Men’s Team and South China was held on 27th March 2017 in Lingnan Stadium, Chung Chi College. Finally, South China won over CUHK 4:1. Team members exchanged souvenirs and took group photos after the game. The guests included Prof. Henry Wong and Dr. Cheng Wallace.