XU Dongyan 徐東艷
Professor, EEEN Programme Director
TEL: 852 - 3943 8045
Room 206, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building
Prof. Dongyan Xu is currently a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prof. Xu received her Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University and Vanderbilt University. After that, she worked as a Postdoc Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley for two years. She joined CUHK in 2010 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2016 and Professor in 2022. Her current research interests include nanoscale thermal transport, thermal energy harvesting, boiling heat transfer, and flexible tactile and thermal sensing.
Research Interests
- Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer
- Thermoelectrics
- Thermogalvanic Cells
- Boiling Heat Transfer
- Flexible Tactile and Thermal Sensing
Current Projects
- Active Fluid for Enhanced Thermal Transport and Energy Harvesting (co-PI, CRF)
- Synergistic Coupling of Thermogalvanic and Thermodiffusion Effects and System Optimization of Liquid Thermocells for Low-Grade Heat Harvesting (PI, NSFC/RGC)
- Wireless Power Transfer: The Next Stage (co-I, TRS)
- Enhancing Flow Boiling Heat Transfer in Microchannels by Surface Engineering (PI, GRF)
MAEG4030 Heat Transfer
MAEG5150 Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (co-teach with Prof. REN Wei)
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
MAEG5150 Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (co-teach with Prof. REN Wei)
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
MAEG4030 Heat Transfer
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
MAEG4030 Heat Transfer
MAEG5150 Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (co-teach with Profs. REN Wei and CHEN Chun)
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
MAEG5150 Advanced Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (co-teach with Profs. REN Wei and CHEN Chun)
MAEG2030 Thermodynamics
Journal Papers (in the recent five years)
- H. Wei, J. Zhang, Y. Han, and D. Xu, “Soft-Covered Wearable Thermoelectric Device for Body Heat Harvesting and On-Skin Cooling,” Appl. Energy, in press (2022).
- F. Yao, S. Xia, H. Wei, J. Zheng, Z. Yuan, Y. Wang, B. Huang, D. Li, H. Lu, and D. Xu, “Experimental Evidence of Superdiffusive Thermal Transport in Si0.4Ge0.6 Thin Films,” Nano Lett., DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01050 (2022).
- H. Tang, Y. Li, J. Yin, J. Yang, D. Xu, and D. Li, “Nonmetallic Power-Law Behavior of Conductance in Ni-Doped NbSe3 Nanowires,” Mater. Today Phys. 27, 100770 (2022).
- J. Tang, Y. Liu, B. Huang, and D. Xu, “Enhanced Heat Transfer Coefficient of Flow Boiling in Microchannels Through Expansion Areas,” Int. J. Therm. Sci. 177, 107573 (2022).
- X. Yu, F. Yao, W. Huang, D. Xu, and C. Chen, “Enhanced Radiative Cooling Paint with Broken Glass Bubbles,” Renew. Energy 194, 129-136 (2022).
- Y. Han, J. Zhang, R. Hu, and D. Xu, “High-Thermopower Polarized Electrolytes Enabled by Methylcellulose for Low-Grade Heat Harvesting,” Sci. Adv. 8, eabl5318 (2022).
- T. Meng, Y. Sun, C. Tong, P. Zhang, D. Xu, J. Yang, P. Gu, J. Yang, and Y. Zhao, “Solid-State Thermal Memory of Temperature-Responsive Polymer Induced by Hydrogen Bonds,” Nano Lett. 21, 3843-3848 (2021).
- Y. Xiong, G. Zhou, N.-C. Lai, X. Wang, Y.-C. Lu, O. V. Prezhdo, and D. Xu, “Chemically Switchable n-Type and p-Type Conduction in Bismuth Selenide Nanoribbons for Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting,” ACS Nano 15, 2791-2799 (2021).
- Y. Xiong, Y. Zhao, Y. Tao, F. Yao, D. Li, and D. Xu, “Effective Lorenz Number of the Point Contact between Silver Nanowires,” Nano Lett. 20, 8576-8553 (2020).
- R. Hu, D. Xu, and X. Luo, “Liquid Thermocells Enable Low-Grade Heat Harvesting,” Matter 3, 1389-1402 (2020).
- Y. Xiong, N.-C. Lai, Y.-C. Lu, and D. Xu, “Tuning Thermal Conductivity of Bismuth Selenide Nanoribbons by Reversible Copper Intercalation,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 159, 120077 (2020).
- Y. Zhao, M. L. Fitzgerald, Y. Tao, Z. Pan, G. Sauti, D. Xu, Y.-Q. Xu, and D. Li, “Electrical and Thermal Transport through Silver Nanowires and Their Contacts: Effects of Elastic Stiffening,” Nano Lett. 20, 7389-7396 (2020).
- H. Wei, J. Tang, and D. Xu, “Effect of Abnormal Grain Growth on Thermoelectric Properties of Hot-Pressed Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Alloys,” J. Alloys Compd. 817, 153284 (2020).
- H. Wei, J. Tang, H. Wang, and D. Xu, “Enhanced Power Factor of n-Type Bi2Te2.8Se0.2 Alloys through an Efficient One-Step Sintering Strategy for Low-Grade Heat Harvesting,” J. Mater. Chem. A 8, 24524-24535 (2020).
- Y. Xiong, X. Yu, Y. Huang, J. Yang, L. Li, N. Yang, and D. Xu, “Ultralow Thermal Conductance of the van der Waals Interface between Organic Nanoribbons,” Mater. Today Phys. 11, 100139 (2019).
- Y. Liu, J. Tang, L. Li, Y. N. Shek, and D. Xu, “Design of Cassie-Wetting Nucleation Sites in Pool Boiling,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 132, 25-33 (2019).
- H. Tang, X. Yan, Y. Xiong, K. Dou, Y. Zhao, J. Jie, X. Wang, Q. Fu, J. Yang, M. Lu, and D. Xu, “Quantum Transport Characteristics of Heavily Doped Bismuth Selenide Nanoribbons,” NPJ Quantum Mater. 4, 1 (2019).
- C. Liu, Y. Xiong, Y. Huang, X. Tan, L. Li, D. Xu, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-W. Nan, “FeVSb-Based Amorphous Films with Ultra-Low Thermal Conductivity and High ZT: A Potential Material for Thermoelectric Generators,” J. Mater. Chem. A 6, 11435-11445 (2018).
- Y. Liu, M.-C. Lu, and D. Xu, “The Suppression Effect of Easy-to-Activate Nucleation Sites on the Critical Heat Flux in Pool Boiling,” Int. J. Therm. Sci. 129, 231-237 (2018).
- Y. Huang, Y. Xiong, C. Liu, L. Li, D. Xu, Y.-H. Lin, and C.-W. Nan, “Single-Crystalline 2D Erucamide with Low Friction and Enhanced Thermal Conductivity,” Colloids Surf. A 540, 29-35 (2018).
- X. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Xiong, B. Huang, T. T. Xu, D. Li, and D. Xu, “Measuring Nanowire Thermal Conductivity at High Temperatures,” Meas. Sci. Technol. 29, 025001 (2018).
- Wenhua Zhang and Dongyan Xu, “Methods of Fabrication of Flexible Micro-Thermoelectric Generators,” US 10,680,155 B2, granted on June 9, 2020.