Student Life in the Department

An important aspect of studying anthropology at CUHK is the harmonious atmosphere of the Department of Anthropology. The Department has 15 teachers, more than 80 undergraduate students, about 15–20 research postgraduate students, and 50 taught MA students. Life in the Department of Anthropology has a friendly, family feel. Classes are generally small, and teachers come to know students well. Students may also use the Department computer room and lounge.

The Undergraduate Student Society of Anthropology Department is very lively and active. They organize and coordinate various events such as New Year banquet, photo day for graduating students, graduation party, and orientation camp for new students.

  • 38th Anthropology Student Society (2018-2019): Anthloop
  • 37th Anthropology Student Society (2017–2018): Alphapology
  • 36th Anthropology Student Society (2016–2017): Giantpology
  • 35th Anthropology Student Society (2015–2016): Anthrorigin
  • 34th Anthropology Student Society (2014–2015): Wildman
  • 33rd Anthropology Student Society (2013–2014): Anthromates
  • 32nd Anthropology Student Society (2012–2013): Zodiac
  • 31st Anthropology Student Society (2011–2012): Anima Ant
  • 30th Anthropology Student Society (2010–2011): Ant Match

After graduation, many students keep in touch with the Department of Anthropology through the Alumni Association of Anthropology Department, and continue their interest in anthropology through taking part in seminars and visits organized by the Hong Kong Anthropological Society.

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