Students and Alumni
AN Mengzhu
AN Mengzhu

PhD candidate

Educational qualification B.A. in sociology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
M.A. in sociology, Renmin University of China
Home town Shandong, China
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My current research is about the treatment and education for autistic children under the background of the “autism outbreak” in mainland China. Autism, which is a clinic category invented not more than 70 years, is transforming from a rare disease to an epidemic one in urban China, along with which are romantic discourse about “autistic talent” in public media and relevant philanthropic activities. My current research focuses on the treatment and education for the autistic children in Beijing. Through exploring how the “uneducable” mind be treated and educated, I try to depict the conflict between parenthood and modern medical and educational system in the context of neo-liberalism. This topic touches upon agency, morality, medicalized subject, and will also provide a new lens to understand the modernization of China.

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