Students and Alumni
NIE Youping
NIE Youping

PhD student

Educational qualification B.S. in Information management and Information Systems, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, 2008
M.ED. in Comparative Education, Minzu University of China, 2011
M.S.c by Research in Social Anthropology, the University of Edinburgh, 2018.
Home town Hunan, China
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My current research area in anthropology mainly focuses on popular religion in the central-south of China. I especially interested in discussing about how the landscape was shaped under the intense interaction among the physical environment, people’s daily experience, popular religion under the shadow of macro national policies and micro local governments’ initiatives. The two important key words in my research is ‘landscape’ and ‘place-making’, based on them, I would like to explore the role of popular religion in the rural China, where is experiencing dramatic changes. Through revealing the role of popular religion, I’m going to try to figure out how the people in flux reshape their place and get a sense of belonging in their ever-changing place.

Besides, I am also very interested in plants- the diverse cultural meanings behind the trees and flowers. Palaeontology is also my favorite, you can say ‘I just can’t get over dinosaurs:)’.

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