“Chinese Pictorial Motifs in the Korean Monastery: Paintings of Thirty-Three Patriarchs at Sŏ” NMK 2012 Museum Network Fellowship Research Papers (2013.01): 124-143.
(Catalogue entries) The Artful Recluse: Painting, Poetry, and Politics in Seventeenth-Century China, edited by Peter Sturman and Susan Tai. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 2012, cats 9, 32, 55.
“Invitation to Reclusion: Xiang Shengmo (1597-1658) and His Art beyond the Ming-Qing Transition.” [招隐:明清之际的项圣谟及其艺术] Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 亚洲研究协会年会, Denver, March 21-24, 2019.
“Transformation and Appropriation of Woodcut Illustrated Daoist and Buddhist Figures in the Late-Imperial Period.” [帝国晚期道释人物版画图式的转化与挪用] Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 亚洲研究协会年会, Seattle. April 1, 2016.
“Court Art from the Marketplace: Reconstructing the Pattern of Court Patronage in the Late Ming Period.” [市场中的宫廷艺术——追索晚明宫廷赞助的模式] College Art Association Annual Conference, New York City, February 11, 2015.
“Exhibition Review: ‘The Artful Recluse: Painting, Poetry, and Politics in 17th Century China’.” [展览回顾:「招隐:中国十七世纪的绘画、诗词与政治」] Christie’s Education. May 26, 2020.
“The Three Perfections: Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting.” [三绝——诗、书、画] Christie’s Education. May 19, 2020.
“The Two Empress Dowager Cisheng’s Buddhist Paintings in the Met’s Collection and Cisheng’s Patronage Strategy.” [大都会艺术博物馆收藏的两件慈圣款佛画与慈圣的佛教赞助策略] Paper presented in the Spring Fellows Colloquia organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 4, 2016.
首席研究员,「弘治朝(1487-1505)的明代宫廷绘画:皇帝、画家及其影响」[Ming court Painting of the Hongzhi Reign (1487-1505): Emperor, Painters, and Their Legacy],研究计划编号:24604521,香港特别行政区政府研究资助局杰出青年学者计划,1/1/2022-31/12/2024。